You are now a student at the University of Tokyo. People tell you it’s the best university in Japan. At the same time, if you mean to make your way in the wider world not limited to Japan, you know you still have a long way to go.
What this course tries to do is to provide the student with an intellectual framework, or a basic skill-set, that would allow them to maximise the effect of an education in this university, when applying it to a career in the wider world.
The knowledge that you acquire from your specialised courses, while important, will only be one part of what you are expected to learn at (a top) university. You will be required to be able to explain how you, as an individual, connect and contextualise the knowledge acquired (separately) in the different courses you have chosen to study. Moreover, if your background is going to include study at the University of Tokyo, it would be difficult for others not to assume that that context would have something to do with a profound understanding of Japan and its place in the world.
This course tries to provide the opportunity to build up such a context that could be presented in a convincing manner.