国土交通省都市局が2020年度にスタートさせたProject PLATEAU(プラトー)は、現実世界の都市空間のデジタルツインを「3D都市モデル」と呼ばれるデータによって再現し、これを活用した様々なイノベーションやソリューションを創出する取組みである。
連絡先:国土交通省 内山裕弥
科目の全体説明会: 4月9日(火) 18:45- Zoomによるオンライン開催
Guidance: April 9th, 18:45- Online Using Zoom
ミーティング(meeting) ID: **********
本科目は、学部科目として「創造的ものづくりプロジェクトI・II・III」、 大学院科目として「創造性工学プロジェクトI・II」があり、セメスター単位で複数年に渡り履修できるようになっています。
・創造的ものづくりプロジェクトI (3年生S1S2)
・創造的ものづくりプロジェクトII (3年生A1A2と4年生A1A2)
・創造的ものづくりプロジェクトIII (4年生S1S2)
・創造性工学プロジェクトI (大学院修士・博士を通じてS1S2で1回履修可)
・創造性工学プロジェクトII (大学院修士・博士を通じてA1A2で1回履修可)
※【Creativity Engineering Project for Undergraduate, Creativity Engineering Project】
This course offers students the opportunity to improve their skills in team management and project execution as well as technical knowledge in specific engineering domains through participation in competitions, business creation, and social implementation of engineering skills. Each semester, more than 10 projects are offered simultaneously, providing a platform for practicing creative thinking and its application in the real world. Facilitators (instructors) accompany the projects and provide necessary scaffolds to facilitate the development of practical knowledge and skills.
In addition to the essential approaches and techniques required for the implementation of technology in each project, the course aims to provide students with hands-on training to develop the following skills in students, which will contribute to their overall competence to achieve social implementation of technology at an international level.
(1) Creative thinking ability from planning and design to implementation, to connect technology and society
(2) Ability to plan, implement, and analyze production, experiments, and other related activities
(3) Team management and cooperation with team members
(4) Consideration for engineering ethics and environmental safety
(5) Presentation skills
(6) Business etiquette, etc.
This course has two sections: "Creativity Engineering Project for Undergraduate I, II, III" for undergraduate students and "Creative Engineering Project I, II" for graduate students. The course can be taken over multiple years with each unit taken on a semester-by-semester basis.
・Creativity Engineering Project for Undergraduate I (B3 S1S2)
・Creativity Engineering Project for Undergraduate II (B3/B4 A1A2)
・Creativity Engineering Project for Undergraduate III (B4 S1S2)
・Creativity Engineering Project I (Master/Doctoral Course S1S2)
・Creativity Engineering Project II (Master/Doctoral Course A1A2)
Each project has a different course number, so please register for the course with the corresponding course number.