10月2日 関野
以降 順次掲載
* ゆらぎ機能とグリーンエレクトロニクス(田畑教授)
* 生命系エネルギー変換とグリーンエレクトロニクス(田畑教授)
* 心臓の電気生理と心臓力学1(佐久間教授)
* バイオメカニクス(新井教授)
* スーパーコンピュータによる人体のシミュレーション1(高木教授)
* スーパーコンピュータによる人体のシミュレーション2(高木教授)
* 脳機能計測とイメージング(関野教授)
* 脳のモノとしての構造と機能:生理的側面(廣瀬教授)
* 脳のコトとしての構造と機能:情報的側面(廣瀬教授)
0. Introduction
This lecture will cover the relationship between life science and physics. The latest quantum life science will also be introduced. 1.
Fluctuating Functions and Green Electronics (Prof. Tabata)
By learning about fluctuating functions common to all life system activities across hierarchical levels, such as cell differentiation, muscle stretch and contraction, and brain information processing, the lecture will discuss the relationship between life science and future electronics technologies, such as ultra-sensitive sensors and ultra-low power consumption devices. 2.
2) Energy conversion of living systems and green electronics (Prof. Tabata)
By comparing photosynthesis, one of the energy conversion systems in living systems, with artificial solar energy conversion systems (solar cells and artificial photosynthesis), the lecture will discuss the relationship between life science and future issues in the fields of energy engineering and electronics.
Electrophysiology and Cardiac Mechanics 1 (Prof. Sakuma)
Electrophysiology of cardiac myocytes, circulatory organs, and electrocardiographic phenomena.
Students will learn about the basic physiology of the heart, an important organ that maintains blood circulation, in terms of its electrical and mechanical aspects. In particular, the mechanism of generation of cardiac electrical phenomena and the meaning of the information it contains will be lectured from the perspective of biomedical engineering.
Electrophysiology and Cardiac Mechanics 2 (Prof. Sakuma)
Lecture on cardiac pacemakers, electrical defibrillation, co-computational simulation of electrocardiographic phenomena, and assisted circulation.
Cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators as medical devices for the treatment of cardiac dysrhythmias and abnormal excitation conduction will be explained in relation to the electrophysiology of the heart and their functions. Computer simulation of electrocardiographic phenomena, which is important for these medical engineering technologies, will also be touched upon. Finally, assistive circulatory devices that assist the blood circulation function of the heart will be explained. 5.
Biomechanics (Prof. Arai)
Bioimaging 1 (Prof. Takahashi)
This lecture will provide an overview of methods to visualize the inside of living organisms, principles of imaging, microscopy and its resolution limitations, electron microscopy, X-ray microscopy, medical X-ray diagnostics, and other imaging methods in the life sciences: current status and future.
8. Bioimaging 2 (Prof. Takahashi)
Among the methods to visualize biological functions, nuclear medicine will be studied in detail. The lecture will cover the principle and practice of SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) using γ-rays emitted from representative γ-ray emitting nuclides and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) using positron-emitting nuclides and annihilation γ-rays.
9 Human Body Simulation by Supercomputer 1 (Prof. Takagi)
This lecture explains a new next-generation medical treatment that constructs the human body in a supercomputer based on medical image data and uses computer simulation for early detection of diseases and investigation of treatment methods. In the first part of the lecture, the simulation method suitable for medical image data and the simulation of ultrasound therapy will be introduced. 10.
10. human body simulation by supercomputer 2 (Prof. Takagi)
Continuing from the first lecture, the second lecture will explain the modeling and simulation of blood flow, muscle movement, and the heart, and introduce examples of very large-scale parallel computations using the supercomputer "K computer.
11. Brain function measurement and imaging (Prof. Sekino)
Brain function measurement, MRI, EEG, MEG, NIRS, Magnetic stimulation
12. Structure and function of the brain: Physiological aspects (Prof. Hirose)
Neurons and their networks, Brain function distributions, Neuron signals and representing equations
13. Structure and function of the brain: Information aspects (Prof. Hirose)
Modeling of neural networks, Pattern information representation, Bases of learning, Associative memory, Self-organization