本講義は、以下の項目について解説していく。This lecture will cover the following topics
<1 化学反応速度論の基礎/ 1 Fundamentals of chemical reaction kinetics>
1.1 化学反応速度論とは/ 1.1 What is chemical reaction kinetics?
1.2 化学反応速度の実験的な測定法/1.2 Experimental methods for measuring chemical reaction rates
1.3 反応系の熱力学/ 1.3 Thermodynamics of reaction systems
1.3.1 反応速度の定義/ 1.3.1 Definition of reaction rate
1.3.2 反応の駆動力/ 1.3.2 Driving force of reaction
1.4 速度式・速度定数・反応次数/ 1.4 Rate equations, rate constants, and reaction orders
1.5 積分型速度式/ 1.5 Integral type rate equation
1.5.1 0次反応/ 1.5.1 Zero order reaction
1.5.2 1次反応/ 1.5.2 First order reaction
1.5.3 2次反応/ 1.5.3 Second order reaction
1.5.4 半減期/ 1.5.4 Half-life
1.6 速度式の実験的な求め方/ 1.6 How to obtain the rate equation experimentally
1.6.1 擬1次速度法(分離法)/ 1.6.1 Pseudo-first-order rate method (separation method)
1.6.2 初速度法/ 1.6.2 First rate method
1.6.3 半減期を使用した方法/ 1.6.3 Method using half-life
1.7 可逆反応/ 1.7 Reversible reactions
1.7.1 平衡に近い反応/ 1.7.1 Near-equilibrium reactions
1.7.2 緩和法/ 1.7.2 Relaxation method
1.8 反応速度の温度依存性(アレニウス式)/ 1.8 Temperature dependence of reaction rate (Arrhenius equation)
<2 素反応の理解と複合反応/ 2 Understanding elementary reactions and complex reactions>
2.1 素反応/ 2.1 Elementary reactions
2.2 並列(平行)反応/ 2.2 Parallel reactions
2.3 逐次反応/ 2.3 Sequential reaction
2.4 定常状態近似と律速過程/ 2.4 Steady-state approximation and rate-limiting process
2.5 前駆平衡のある反応/ 2.5 Reactions with a precursor equilibrium
2.6 複雑な反応/ 2.6 Complex reactions
2.6.1 ラジカル連鎖反応/ 2.6.1 Radical chain reactions
2.6.2 均一系触媒反応/ 2.6.2 Homogeneous catalytic reactions
2.6.3 酵素反応/ 2.6.3 Enzyme reactions
2.7 複合反応の温度依存性/ 2.7 Temperature dependence of complex reactions
2.8 速度論支配と平衡論支配/ 2.8 Kinetics-dominated and equilibrium-dominated
<3 同位体を用いた反応機構の解析/ 3 Analysis of reaction mechanism using isotopes>
3.1 速度論的同位体効果とは/ 3.1 What is kinetic isotope effect?
3.2 調和振動子の固有エネルギー/ 3.2 Eigen energy of harmonic oscillator
3.3 同位体標識反応/ 3.3 Isotope labeling reaction
3.4 1次速度論的同位体効果/ 3.4 First-order kinetic isotope effect
3.5 2次速度論的同位体効果/ 3.5 Second-order kinetic isotope effects
3.6 同位体トレーサー法/ 3.6 Isotope tracer method