1. メゾスコピック系への導入
2. 量子化伝導
3. 量子干渉効果
4. ショット雑音とフェルミ統計
5. 量子ドットにおける電気伝導
6. 単電子伝導
7. 量子状態制御
1. 導入
2. 量子ホール効果
3. トポロジカル絶縁体
4. トポロジカル相におけるクエンチ
5. フロケトポロジカル相
6. 散逸によるトポロジカル相
In the first half of the course, students will learn about quantized conductance, quantum interference effects, electron-electron interaction effects, single-electron transport, and physics of quantum dots, with state-of-the-art experimental results.
1.Introduction to mesoscopic physics
2.Conductance quantization
3.Quantum interference
4.Shot noise and Fermi statistics
5.Transport through a quantum dot
6.Single electron transport
7.Manipulation of quantum states
In the second half of the course, students will learn about various topological phases emergent in free-fermion lattice models, including those with and without symmetries, in and out of equilibrium.
1. Introduction
2. Quantum Hall effects
3. Topological insulators
4. Quench in topological phases
5. Floquet topological phases
6. Dissipative topological phases