HOME 学部後期課程 グローバル教養科目(Food Safety in Public and Environmental Health)


グローバル教養科目(Food Safety in Public and Environmental Health)

Food Safety in Public and Environmental Health
Food safety is a public health issue. With the aim of protecting consumer health, foods (including water) must be kept contaminant-free from farm to fork. The environment is a source of hazardous contaminants (i.e., biological, chemical, and physical) that could impair health resulting in malnutrition, morbidity, and mortality with the young (<5 years old), elderly, and immuno-compromised particularly vulnerable. Public health is, therefore, inextricably linked with environmental health. As such, programs for food safety assurance need to be holistic and transdisciplinary to be effective.
The World Health Organization (1999) identifies the health sector as having the lead role in the implementation and coordination of programs on food safety. This requires an educated workforce that can identify environmental factors affecting food that impact consumer health. In this class, we will discuss food safety-related environmental hazards, their mode of contamination, and the underlying mechanism of the risk they pose to human health. Emerging and perennial foodborne illnesses will be discussed from the concept of One Health – a transdisciplinary approach of considering not only the issue at hand, but all the other upstream factors related to it. At the end of the class, students should be able to apply a holistic approach in understanding issues on food safety.
MIMA Search
グローバル教養科目(Food Safety in Public and Environmental Health)
マニナン ジョン
A1 A2
Topics (subject to change): 1. Protecting consumer health in a climate of liberalized global trade 2. The role of science and other legitimate factors in setting food safety standards 3. One Health Concept: Applications in food safety and consumer health protection 4. Food- and water-borne illnesses: Causative agents, environmental factors, and pathogenesis a. Carcinogens & Endocrine Disruptors b. Pathogenic Bacteria c. Parasites & Viruses d. Naturally occurring toxins e. Other Chemicals 5. Food production technologies in food safety & consumer health 6. Challenges to food safety assurance 7. Surveillance of food- and water-borne illnesses
Lectures, discussions, presentations
Please check the grading scale that applies to this course. If the Course Code ends without “-P/F”, this is a course with a letter grade (A+, A, B, C, F). If the Course Code ends with “-P/F”, this is a Pass/Fail Course. 1.Case report (35%) 2.Oral presentation (20%) 3.Class Participation (25%) 4.Assignments & Quizzes (20%)
Handouts will be provided.
Books: Frumkin, H. (2016). Environmental health: from global to local. John Wiley & Sons. Mackenzie, J. S., Jeggo, M., Daszak, P., & Richt, J. A. (Eds.). (2013). One Health: the human-animal-environment interfaces in emerging infectious diseases (Vol. 366). Berlin: Springer. Tulchinsky, T. H., & Varavikova, E. A. (2014). The new public health. Academic Press. Journal publications: Jukes, D. (2000). The role of science in international food standards. Food Control, 11(3), 181-194. Newell, D. G., Koopmans, M., Verhoef, L., Duizer, E., Aidara-Kane, A., Sprong, H., ... & van der Giessen, J. (2010). Food-borne diseases—the challenges of 20 years ago still persist while new ones continue to emerge. International journal of food microbiology, 139, S3-S15. Post, D. L. (2006). The precautionary principle and risk assessment in international food safety: how the World Trade Organization influences standards. Risk Analysis, 26(5), 1259-1273. Prandini, A., Tansini, G., Sigolo, S., Filippi, L., Laporta, M., & Piva, G. (2009). On the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in milk and dairy products. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(5), 984-991. Shalaby, A. R. (1996). Significance of biogenic amines to food safety and human health. Food research international, 29(7), 675-690. Walker, R. (1990). Nitrates, nitrites and N-nitrosocompounds: a review of the occurrence in food and diet and the toxicological implications. Food Additives & Contaminants, 7(6), 717-768. Wolff, I. A., & Wasserman, A. E. (1972). Nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines. Science, 177(4043), 15-19. Other texts: Clarke, R. (2010). Private food safety standards: their role in food safety regulation and their impact. 33rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1-36. Retrieved from: http://www.fao.org/***** World Health Organization. (2008). Foodborne disease outbreaks: guidelines for investigation and control. Retrieved from: http://apps.who.int/***** World Health Organization. (2006). Food safety risk analysis: A guide for national food safety authorities. Retrieved from: http://www.fao.org/*****
Classes are face-to-face. If the number of students enrolling in this course exceeds the number determined by the instructor, there may be a selection process. Instructions for the selection process will be given in the first class, so if you are interested in taking this course, please be sure to attend the first class.
Worked for the Department of Agriculture as a Food Safety Specialist.