グローバル教養科目(Writing to Learn, Learning to Write: Identifying the pitfalls and possibilities of large language models such as ChatGPT)
Writing to Learn, Learning to Write: Identifying the pitfalls and possibilities of large language models such as ChatGPT
With the release of ChatGPT and its impressive ability to generate long-form human-like speech, what use is there in writing at all?
To answer this question, we will embrace discussion of large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, and investigate the ways in which they may help or harm our growth as learners and educators. Additionally, we will explore the risks and limitations of LLMs in contexts such as education, journalism, social media, and research.
Through active engagement in this course, students will learn to:
*Use writing as a form of thinking to investigate, unravel, and refine complicated concepts
*Assess the effects that automated tools (e.g. ChatGPT) can have on learning and communication
*Decide when LLMs will more likely aid or hinder these endeavors through writing with and without their usage
*Engage critically and confidently with these new tools and the content generated with their use
Successfully acquiring these skills will help students prepare to dive deeper into academically and societally relevant discussions on the use of language models, and grant them the ability to formulate and deliver even complicated conclusions clearly.
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