グローバル教養科目(Reading Philosophy: An Introduction for Non-Philosophers)
Reading Philosophy: An Introduction for Non-Philosophers
This course will offer an introduction to philosophy. It is designed to be open to students of any background and with any orientation. It will be given in the form of a reading seminar, where students will learn to acquire knowledge about philosophy more actively through engagement with texts. The scope of the seminar will be wide in terms of historical scope—covering the time span from Ancient Greece to our time. It will also make students familiar with various major problems that have been the subject of philosophical controversy.
Unlike common sense, or science, philosophy is not good in offering answers or recipes that are useful tools for navigating through everyday human life. What philosophy is good in is to see questions that are left unanswered by the ‘answers’ we are used to live by—or even to question these ‘answers’ themselves as answers. In this sense, one can appreciate doing philosophy as a meaningful part of everyday human life. The aim of this course is to make students aware of this.
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