HOME 学部後期課程 グローバル教養科目(Education and International Development)


グローバル教養科目(Education and International Development)

Education and International Development
The world is now facing serious problems such as conflict, food crisis, poverty and inequality, discrimination and prejudice based on class, gender, race, disability etc. In order to resolve these issues and realize a sustainable, diverse and inclusive society, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" were adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. Education, in particular, is envisioned as a key to achieve the SDGs.

Within this context, this course aims to examine the role and challenge of education in achieving the SDGs through exploring the initiatives taken by various actors (government, schools, corporates, NGOs, etc.) in Global North as well as Global South.

This course will first introduce students to new opportunities and emerging issues seen from pre-school to higher education in Global North and Global South (particularly, South Asia). Students will have the opportunity to interact with experts working in education through a field visit and a guest lecture in the middle of the course. At the end of the course, students will make a recommendation for a policy, system or practice for education in Global North/ Global South to achieve SDGs.

By taking this course, students will acquire/develop the following new knowledge/ skills/attitudes

・understand how various actors in Global North/Global South engage with SDGs through education by exploring the new opportunities and emerging issues of education around the world
・enhance a sense of ownership towards global issues by gaining a deeper understanding of the interdependence and interconnectedness between Global North and Global South
・make a recommendation for policy, system or practice for education in Global North/Global South to achieve SDGs with a convincing argument
・recognize diverse values and perspectives through cross-border and interdisciplinary dialogues with peers of different cultural backgrounds and disciplines.
MIMA Search
グローバル教養科目(Education and International Development)
小原 優貴
S1 S2
Week 1: Guidance: Education and the SDGs Week 2: Internationalization of Higher Education and Global Citizenship Week 3: Education and Disparities: Affirmative Action based on Gender, Ethnicity and Poverty Status Week 4: Immigration, Culture and Education (Field visit to a immigrant community in Tokyo will be organized. The details will be announced in the class) Week 5: International Cooperation in Education: What Aid is Truly Needed? Week 6: Education in Global South (1): Corruption in Education Week 7: Education in Global South (2): The Emerging Non-state Actors in Education in South Asia and Africa Week 8: Interim Presentation Week 9: Education in Global South (3) Class, Language, Identity ( Film viewing: “Hindi medium” ) Week10: Early Childhood Care and Education and International Development Week 11: Guest Lecture by Experts (Invited online or in-person lecture by an expert working in education (e.g., international organization, corporate or NGO etc.) will be arranged. The details will be announced in the class) Week 12: Final Presentation (1) Week 13: Final Presentation (2)
The class activities will include lectures, film viewing, group discussion, presentations, feedback to the peers, field visit, reflection of the learning experiences etc. Various group activities will be incorporated in the course to promote mutual learning and deepen students' understanding of education in Global North/Global South. Enrolled students will be engaged in learning activities in English throughout the course.
【Please note that this course will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis.】 Your final grade will be based on combination of: a. Presentation [interim presentation* (20%) + final presentation** (30%)] (50%) b. Class attendance and active participation (30%) c. Weekly reflection comments (20%) Students in GLA courses will be evaluated based on their effort and contribution in the class and not only by English proficiency. Non-native English speakers are encouraged to join this course! <NOTE> *The interim presentation will be an individual presentation in a small group. You will need to present a summary of the literature on education in Global North/ Global South with your comments/opinions/questions about the literature. You are expected to develop an argument drawing on a number of sources and academic literatures. **The final presentation will be a group presentation in a class. You will need to work in a group to make a recommendation for a policy, system or practice for education in Global North/Global South to achieve SDGs. The details will be explained in the class.
All reference material will be provided by the instructor via on demand style.
【If the number of students enrolling in this course exceeds 20, there may be a selection process. Instructions for the selection process will be given in the first class, so if you are interested in taking this course, please be sure to attend the first class.】 Enrolled students will have many opportunities to work with the peers of different cultural backgrounds and disciplines in a group. Thus, those who are willing to learn from such a diverse community are welcomed.