Topics that will be covered include:
-Gaming as a branch of the humanities
-Aesthetics and “Aesthetic”
-Gaming history and genres
-Story, narrative, and “world”
-Vocabularies of gaming (e.g. “side quest,” “lore,” “speedrunning,” “bosses,” “loot”)
-Experiential and affective vocabularies (e.g. “saving,” “respawning,” “lives,” “crafting,” “leveling up,” “grinding,” varieties of anxiety, acquisitiveness, fear, curiosity)
-Social and interpersonal vocabularies (e.g. “NPCs")
-Social aspects of gaming (communities, relations, performances and self-performances, wikis and walkthroughs, modding, franchises)
-Ontology (what objects, beings, and types of action populate the game?), phenomenology (what kinds of embodiment, movement, and sensory processing and feedback does it make possible?), and epistemology (how is knowledge produced, withheld, awarded, used)
-“Poetics of space” (what sensations, experiences, actions are possible within which locations)? Types of spatial experience and organization (dungeons, “secret areas,” levels)
-Gameplay and game praxis (movement systems, physics, point of view, controls, puzzle-solving, combat systems, structures of reward)