HOME 学部前期課程 国際研修 (グローバルヘルスと平和、健康格差のない公正な社会について考える長崎研修)


国際研修 (グローバルヘルスと平和、健康格差のない公正な社会について考える長崎研修)

Global Praxis in Nagasaki: Exploring interactions and intersections across Global Health, Peace and Social Justice 「グローバルヘルスと平和、健康格差のない公正な社会について考える長崎研修」 Course Duration: Pre-training (Tokyo Komaba) :Feb 8-10, 2023 Main training (Nagasaki) :Feb 12-19, 2023






2. 上記1に関連し、グローバルヘルス課題と「平和」「社会正義」との関係について考察する

This course is open for students who would like to study global health issues in relation to human rights, conflicts, peace building, diplomacy, international development and poverty alleviation, and those who have strong desire and commitment to translate their learning into future action in their career ahead.
Through this course, students will be able to:
#1. Understanding Nagasaki’s past and present,
#2. Learn and think critically about fundamental issues in Global Health, Social Justice and Peace and the interactions and intersections between them ( also in relation to #1),
#3. Learn and explore critical barriers and opportunities to address global health crises and to promote peace, reducing socio-economic disparities and inequities, and addressing social determinants of health, and
#4. Debate ways for us to create more just, people-centered, and inclusive and healthy society.

Course Guidance/orientation will be held around late November. Announcement will be made via Global Komaba website.https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/*****
MIMA Search
国際研修 (グローバルヘルスと平和、健康格差のない公正な社会について考える長崎研修)
佐藤 みどり
履修可能な学生: 東京大学側:(定員15名) ・前期・後期課程生(原則2年生以上。但しグローバルヘルス入門、入門演習を受講した1年生は可) ・PEAK (教養学部英語プログラム)生(2nd year and above) ・全学学部交換留学生 ・医学系研究科国際地域保健学教室(院生:TAやメンターとして参加) *2022年Sセメスターグローバルヘルス入門(パート1)を受講していない学生で、この授業を受講したい学生は事前課題がありますので、必ず担当教員から指示を受けてください。 The University of Tokyo: (Capacity 15 people) ・ Junior/Senior students (Year 2 and above, with very few exception for Year 1 student with background in Global health) ・ PEAK (College of Liberal Arts English Program) students (Year 2 and above) ・ USTEP exchange students ・ Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Community-and Global health (Graduate student: Participated as a TA or mentor) *Students who have not taken any previsoully offered courses in the field of global health will be accepted only if they complete the Introduction to Global Health Part 1 lecture zoom video watching and related assignments (review lecture materials and submit the assignments) that have already been completed in S-semester in 2022. Contact the course coordinator (*****) for further details. Nagasaki University side:(Capacity 15-20 people) ・ Undergraduate students of the Faculty of Multicultural Sociology (International Public Policy Course, Social Dynamics Course) ・ Student of Tropical Medicine and Global Health Graduate School (TMGH) M1 ・ Students in the School of Health Sciences (undergraduate and master) Course Schedule (tentative) Pre-training (Tokyo Komaba) :Feb 8-10, 2023 Day 1: Introduction and Welcome Opening Round Table Discussion, Theme: “Role of global health in promoting Peace and Social Justice” Special Lectures : Global Health for Peace Initiative (GHPI) … WHO Global Health, Peace, Conflicts and Refugees. UNHCR Head of Health Day 2: Field Visit and special Lecture Theme: Global Health and Human Security: Japan’s Global Health Strategy achieving World Peace and Human Security "Japan’s development cooperation in health through human security approach” ” Evidence-based Programming for Peace and Development by Sadako Ogata Research Institute for Peace and Development Day 3: Special Seminar : Restructuring Global Health Governance through Global Solidarity: Japan’s Role Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic Online student exchanges with Nagasaki, the University of Tokyo, Writing Essay (Individual Assignment) Main training (Nagasaki) :Feb 12-19, 2023 Detailed schedule is yet to be finalized Feb 12: Travel from Tokyo to Nagasaki & Orientation Feb 13: Lecture and Field visit Theme: (Understanding Context (History, Culture, Religion) ) Feb 14: Field visit Theme: (War and Peace, Reconstruction and Rebuilding) Feb 15: Lecture and Field Visit Theme: (Understanding Nagasaki and its History: Hidden Christian Sites and history of martyrdom, persecution) Feb 16: Lecture and Field Visit Theme: (Modern Japan and Issues facing Today’s Nagasaki, Health Care in Remote islands people-centered case, community-ownership, and local leadership) Feb 17: Group Work, Presentation, Sharing Feb 18-19: Field Trip to Hirado Feb 19 PM: back to Tokyo
Course Format: ・ Lectures and workshops by lectures and field-oriented practitioners ・ Field work (people-centered health care system, hidden Christian sites, peace and cultural facilities (Atomic bomb museum, Peace memorial park) ・ The final project and presentation ・ Student Group work mentoring, career consultations (evenings) Teaching Methods This course will be conducted in English. 授業は全て英語で行う。 受講者は事前に課題文献を読みその内容を理解し、授業での議論に備えること。授業は双方向に行い、講義、フィールドワーク、リーディング課題の発表、事例に基づくグループディスカッション・議論、最終プロジェクトから成る。授業では、英語でディスカッションやプレゼンテーションをする機会が多くあるため、コミュニケーションを積極的に行いたい学生や、そうしたスキルを身に付けたい学生の参加を歓迎する。 Students are expected to read the assignment papers prior to the pre-training, then prepare for discussions in class. Classes will be highly interactive using an active learning approach and participatory. It consists of lecturers, field trips, group discussions, panel discussions and the final multimedia project. Classes will provide ample opportunities for debate, discussions, and presentations in English, so we welcome those who would like to build their academic and practical English communication skills.
国際研修科目として履修する人は合否で判断します。 事前研修(駒場)及び本研修(長崎)への完全参加、Google Classroomを通じた授業外ディスカッションや課題提出などの参加等から総合的に判断します 事前研修リーディング・課題・宿題(30%)、長崎フィールド授業への参加(40%)、最終プロジェクト(30%) GS生やGS科目として登録しようとする人の評価基準は以下の通りです。 A.「GS生で、科目履修もGS科目として履修する人」 → 「優上・優・良・可・不可」 B. 「GS生ではあるが、国際研修科目として履修する人」 → 「合否」で C. 「GSに登録していないがGS科目として履修しようとする人」→ 「優上・優・良・可・不可」 For most of the students it will be Pass/Fail Tokyo training, assigned readings, essay assignment (30%) Nagasaki Field Work participation (40%) Final project (30%) The evaluation criteria for GS /USTEP students and those who intend to register as GS subjects are as follows. A. "People who are GS students and take courses as GS courses" →5 level assessments: "Excellent / Excellent / Good / Possible / Impossible" B. "People who are GS students but take courses as Global Praxis courses" → "Pass / Fail" C. "People who are not registered in GS but are going to take it as GS course" → "Excellent / Excellent / Good / Possible / Impossible"
・履修に際して医学、看護、保健、公衆衛生を専攻しない学生・留学生も広く歓迎します。 ・この授業は、NGO、JICAボランティア、国連JPOなどを通じて、開発途上国で働くことに興味のある学生、グローバルヘルス分野に関連して、貧困、教育、ジェンダー、権利保護、難民問題、開発と環境など, 広い意味での地球規模の課題に関心のある学生も対象としています。しかしながら、グローバルヘルス分野について全く事前の授業を受けていない学生は、2022年既に終了したGlobal Health Part 1の授業課題をこなしてから参加する意欲のある学生のみ、参加を受け付けますので、必ず担当教員に申し出てください。 ・履修希望者が多数の場合は選考を行います。初回ガイダンスで選考方法を伝えますので、履修希望者はガイダンスに参加してください。ガイダンスは、上記globalkomabaのウェブサイト上で通達します。 ・We welcome those students without any background in medicine, nursing, or health sciences. ・We welcome students from diverse backgrounds, also from Hongo departments, and USTEPwho are ***** in global health issues in relation to the topics such as human rights protection, global peace, social justice, refugee and migrant rights/issues, development economics, international politics, development cooperation etc.. Students who have not taken any pre-classes in the field of global health will only be accepted if they are willing to and completed the Global Health Part 1 course (review lecture materials and submit the assignment) that have already been completed in S-semester in 2022. グローバルヘルス分野について全く事前の授業を受けていない学生は、今年既に終了したGlobal Health Part 1の授業課題をこなしてから参加する意欲のある学生のみ、参加を受け付けますので、必ず担当教員に申し出てください。 ・If a large number of applicants registered, we will have a selection process and limit the number. We will inform students at the guidance. Please make sure to participate in the guidance.
Course coordinator holds a Doctorate of Public Health in Public Health Policy from the University of London (LSHTM), UK and Master of Public Health degree from the Boston University, USA. As a Health Specialist, Manager and Chief of Health in UNICEF and in other agencies, she has 20+ years of experience in generating research evidence to influence health systems and policy reforms and implementing health interventions throughout Asia, Middle East, and Africa.