HOME 学部前期課程 国際研修 (多文化共生社会の課題を英語で学ぶ:オーストラリア研修Learning current social issues in Australia: Intensive issue-based learning program)


国際研修 (多文化共生社会の課題を英語で学ぶ:オーストラリア研修Learning current social issues in Australia: Intensive issue-based learning program)

多文化共生社会の課題を英語で学ぶ:オーストラリア研修 Learning current social issues in Australia: Intensive issue-based learning program

This course involves intensive English lessons, lectures, workshop/discussions, cultural exchange, as well as field surveys on social issues in Australia's current multicultural society. The overall aim of the course is to foster students who will have acquired the ability to think analytically and deeply about contemporary Australian social issues from a new and multiple perspectives through comparative and policy analysis of social issues in Australia.


1) 体系的な渡航前集中英語研修 (オプショナル)
2) 渡航前の実地調査・社会政策分析手法講義、事前資料読み込み、調査票準備
3) 渡航中の実践的な英語研修
4) 渡航中の講義、ワークショップ、シドニー大学学生交流活動
5) 現地調査を含むフィールドワーク
6) 最終プロジェクト発表準備・発表(最終日)

Format of the course: This training includes the following substantial contents and is suitable for students who are considering long-term study abroad in the future and/or pursuing advanced graduate level courses in the topic areas covered during this course.
1) Systematic pre-travel intensive English training (Optional)
2) Lecture on field survey method, intro to social policy analysis, survey protocol development, literature review, and preparations for survey tools
3) Practical English training during visit to Australia
4) Lectures, workshops, University of Sydney student exchange activities (afternoon)
5) Fieldwork including field survey research (afternoon)
6) Final project presentation preparation / presentation (final day)


Target students: This course has no prerequisites in terms of English proficiency levels. If there are too many applicants, we will review application documents and may conduct interviews. Priority will be given to students with little or no overseas experience at the beginner or intermediate level as long as they show commitment and are highly motivated to study. Obviously, if students already have sufficient English skills and have basic understanding of the social issues covered, their understanding and skills will further improve during the course work. In order to reduce the gap between students in terms of their English level, we offer pre-travel intensive English bootcamp.
MIMA Search
国際研修 (多文化共生社会の課題を英語で学ぶ:オーストラリア研修Learning current social issues in Australia: Intensive issue-based learning program)
佐藤 みどり
実施時期予定:2月11日から3月中旬(うちオーストラリア渡航は2月下旬から2週間) (2単位に相当) 事前研修(日本)2月14−16日 Pre-departure training in Japan ・講義1:オーストラリアの社会問題Current social issues in Australia ・講義2: 社会・政策分析の主な手法 Social policy analysis methods ・講義3:フィールド実地調査手法 Field research method ・実習1:実地調査企画書作成Field research protocol development 事前英語集中研修オプショナル (2月11or 12日から2-3日間)English boot camp (Optional) ・英語授業:英語力に不安がある学生を中心 にして実施予定 English boot camp: location TBD, targeting students who require brush up 出発直前オリエンテーションPre-orientation before departure to Australia(for all students) ・実地調査企画書提出Field research protocol submission ・出発前の最終確認 Pre-departure checklist and instruction オーストラリア渡航研修 Field study trip to Australia *原則として、午前中に教室での活動を行い、午後をグループ活動、ワークショップ、特別講義、フィールドワークに充てる。 English study in the morning and other activities will be held in the afternoon Week1-2 Morning hours《英語授業》English classes 10 days Week 1-2 A Afternoon hours 《課題別講義》2-3 Thematic lectures 《実地調査》 field visit and field survey (コロナ状況による) ・先住民・難民社会サービスプログラムNPO ・環境問題研究機関 《振り返り》学習成果発表プレゼンテーションfinal presentation and recap Week1-2 after classes/Weekend 《交流》cultural/social exchange with student ambassadors 《見学》study tour (2 or more locations)
-授業は全て英語で行う -主に本学学生の団体行動が多いため、これまで実施された同様の研修と同様、本学学生同士も英語でコミュニケーションをすることを推奨する -文化社会課題に関するプロジェクト型課外活動、グループ活動、フィールド実地調査など、研修全体を通じてアクティブ・ラーニングアプローチを取り入れる予定。 -現地の人々、他の学生と交流することで,実践的な英語力の向上および英語を積極的に使ってオーストラリアの社会問題・文化に対する理解を深めることが期待される。 -フィールド実地調査では、社会課題を理解し解決策を提案するために、渡航前に学生自身が、課題の設定,文献調査、調査プロトコール作成を行い、渡航中にインタビューの実施,データ分析・考察(日本との比較考察も含める)、プレゼンテーション,ディスカッションといった一連のプ ロジェクトを進める。 -All classes will be conducted in English -Students are strongly urged to communicate only during the work/study hours in English (i.e. group discussions among themselves) as per the similar programs under the Global Praxisthat held in the past. -Classes will apply several active learning approach/methods throughout the training, including issue-focused extracurricular field research activities related to cultural and social issues. -By interacting with local people and students at Sydney University, students are expected to improve both practical English skills and become non hesitant to use their skills to strengthen understanding of Australian people and their social issues. -In the field survey, students themselves develop proposals for solving social problems in Australia. The students will be expected to prepare well before travel (1) set research question, (2) conduct literature review, prepare research protocol and tools, and during the trip to Australia, they will (3) conduct interviews, data analysis / discussions (including comparative analysis with the situation in Japan), and (4) prepare for and make presentations, and participate in discussions. 具体的実地調査課題は、文系理系両方に関連するトピックが考えられる。例として: オーストラリアの社会格差・貧困問題 先住民・難民・移民の健康と高齢化問題 気候変動と環境問題(干ばつ、森林火災、水不足) A few examples of the specific field research theme covering various topics from social science, humanities, law as well as science fields: 1)Australia's social disparities and social determinants influencing Child Poverty 2)Health and aging issues of indigenous peoples, refugees and immigrants 3)Climate change and environmental problems (drought, forest fire, water shortage)
評価は以下の方法で行います。 The following evaluation method will be applied to this course: 授業前の準備(実地調査プロトコールの作成      コース成績の10% 授業への積極的な個人での及びグループへの参加  コース成績の40% プロジェクトプレゼンテーション コース成績の30% 最終研修報告レポート  コース成績の20% Pre-field work preparations to conduct literature review, prepare research protocol and tools. - 10% of course grade Active participation i both individually also as a group – 40% of course grade Final Research Project Presentation – 30% of course grade Final Course Report --20% of course grade プロジェクトは、最大3〜4人のグループで行い、プレゼンテーション(ppt、plezi、または同等のコンテンツ形式での)を実施します。学生は、日本での事前研修(2月半ばに開催)を受けた後に、に研究計画(調査する社会的課題、手法、質問票作成など)をグループごとに作成し、コーディネーターおよびサブコーディネーターのレビューを受けます。最終プロジェクト発表は研修最終日に行われます。 最終研修報告レポート(上記のプレゼンテーションとは異なります)は、最終プレゼンテーションの参加者からのフィードバックを取り入れて、旅行後1週間以内にコーディネーターに提出する必要があります。フォーマットやその他の詳細を示したガイドラインを研修初期に配布します。 Final research project presentation and Final Course Report The final research project will involve a small group of up to 3-4 people presentation (ppt, plezi or other appropriate form of visual or multimedia contents of comparable scope and sophistication). Through this project, students are expected to: 1. Critically examine key social problems/issues using appropriate methodologies and technologies, 2. Locate, identify and analyse relevant primary and secondary sources in order to construct evidence-based arguments 3. Reflect on the role that socio-economic-cultural-religious factors play in a number of social issues 4. Review and analyze Australia’s policy responses to social problems. 5. Communicate effectively, in a range of spoken and written formats, 6.Show a sensitivity to the diversity of cultures and the ethical implications of the issues of concern 7. demonstrate a critical, self-reflective approach to the study of history, based on respect and mutual responsibility. Students should develop their research protocol during the pre-training session in Japan (held in February). This will be further refined during the course with coordinator and sub-coordinator about the topic, research question, and scope of their research projects. The final project will be presented to the class on the last day of the training. The final course report (different from the above presentation) should be submitted to the coordinator within one week after the travel, incorporating feedback from participants of the final presentation. Complete guidelines on format and bibliographic style for the final project presentation and the final course report will be distributed and discussed in the class.
履修希望者が多い場合は、選抜を行います。費用は基本的に自己負担ですが、国際研修履修生向けの学生奨励金の支給が(条件を満たした場合)行われる予定です(詳細は後日確定・受講学生に連絡します)。2022年3月中旬まで実施される国際研修のため、成績登録が遅くなる可能性があります。詳細はガイダンス時にお話しします。理系の学生も文系・語学系学生同様歓迎します。 If there are many applicants, we will go through a selection process. The cost is basically self-pay, but some student allowance or the trainees will be provided, subject to meeting specific conditions. Due to this course provision till mid March 2021, grade registration may be delayed. Details will be discussed at the time of guidance. Science students are also welcome as much as Social Science and language focus students. コースの詳細なスケジュール、主要な講義/セミナーのテーマ、およびフィールド調査訪問場所などに関しては、10月開催予定のガイダンスにてお知らせします。2021年9月末までにガイダンスのスケジュールとプログラム詳細をグローバル駒場のサイトに掲載するので、確認すること(https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/*****)。 Detailed course schedule, key lecture/seminar themes in the course and experiential field research and field visit locations will be provided in the Guidance to be held in October. The guidance schedule and the program details will be posted on the Global Komaba websitehttps://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/***** by the end of September 2021. ※開講日程の都合上、成績が所定の確認日より後(3月)に登録・公開される見込みですので、留意してください。 Please note that due to the planned schedule of this course (being held in Feb-March, A2 term), grades are expected to be registered and published only after the designated confirmation date (late March). ※新型コロナ及びオーストラリア・日本双方の出入国規制に伴い、オーストラリア渡航が不可能となる場合があり、またその場合、研修の延期あるいはオンライン/VR代替研修に切り替わる可能性がありますので留意ください。 Please note that due to changing covid-19 situation and related entry/departure regulations in both countries, this training may be postponed or held on-line/ or using VR methods.