HOME 学部前期課程 全学自由研究ゼミナール (Global Accessibilities: Lessons in Sustainable Development from Japan)


全学自由研究ゼミナール (Global Accessibilities: Lessons in Sustainable Development from Japan)

Global Accessibilities: Lessons in Sustainable Development from Japan
Access is not easy. Consider what it means to build an inclusive environment for a wheelchair user. Each day, the wheelchair user must get out of bed with support from a caregiver; leave their barrier-free apartment, which an architect designed; follow a path laid out by a city planner; reach a train station, where they ask an attendant for assistance; and rely on administrators at work and school. If any of the ‘access-makers’ described above are not present, or their actions not coordinated, then the wheelchair user might not be able to leave home, receive an education, and pursue employment. And the wheelchair user is not alone: everyone, disabled or not, faces accessibility issues each day.

Why do barriers to accessibility emerge? For whom are they an issue? What kinds of barriers are there? And what is our role in their construction? In this course, we will explore the difficulty of answering these questions by reading scholarship on access and sustainable development in Japan. Our investigation will reveal how ideas about accessibility are entangled with other social justice issues such as good health, clean energy, gender and racial equality, and the elimination of poverty. Collaborating with our classmates, we will analyze barriers to access from multiple disciplinary perspectives, surpass the limits of our individual training, and develop solutions to global problems.

<<Learning Outcomes>>
This course is designed to help you identify how to use your personal experiences and professional expertise to contribute to ongoing conversations about social justice issues. It will also afford you an exportable set of skills. By participating in pedagogy workshops on topics such as how to ask questions, locate resources, skim articles, watch films, structure essays, and deliver talks, you will learn how to read critically, write analytically, and demonstrate reflexive awareness of your biases.
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全学自由研究ゼミナール (Global Accessibilities: Lessons in Sustainable Development from Japan)
FACIUS Michael
A1 A2
Part I: Introduction Week 1. Similarity and Difference Part II: Health and Resources Week 2. Good Health and Well-Being Week 3. No Poverty Week 4. Zero Hunger Week 5. Clean Energy and Climate Action Part III: Industry and Institutions Week 6. Sustainable Cities and Communities Week 7. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Week 8. Responsible Consumption and Production Week 9. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Part V: Education and Employment Week 10. Gender Equality Week 11. Reduced Inequalities Week 12. Quality Education Week 13. Decent Work and Economic Growth Part VI: Takeaways Week 14. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
discussion, readings, reading responses, community service project
reading responses public speaking exercise community service project
The seminar will be conducted by Dr. Mark Bookman. Each week you have around 50 pages of academic reading. Course materials are available online. Starting in Week 2, you will be asked to post a reading response of approximately 200-300 words to the online discussion forum by 11:59PM on Tuesday. You must submit at least five responses throughout the semester to avoid incurring a penalty to your participation grade. Reading responses should explicitly link the content of our course with your personal life and academic discipline(s). Attendance and participation (including reading response posts) count for 40% of your final grade. You will have two assignments in addition to your attendance, participation, and reading responses. The first asks you to practice the art of public speaking. Each week, a student or team of students will start our conversation in class by critiquing some of the assumptions behind our assigned texts and introducing a relevant article from their own field(s) of study (to be prepared independently). Your second assignment is to design a community service project, either individually or in groups. For that project, you will research accessibility issues before producing five-page proposals that: 1) identify a problem to be solved; 2) explain the history behind the problem; 3) justify a resolution method; 4) discuss the limits of your approach; and 5) speak to the contributions of your project. The public speaking assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. The community service project is worth 40%. Rubrics and guidebooks for both assignments are available on the online platform. If at any point you have questions, comments, or concerns about the above assignments during the course of the semester, I highly encourage you to e-mail me or visit me during my office hours.
Dr. Mark Bookman is a postdoctoral fellow at Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo and accessibility expert. Next to his research activities, he is also working as a disability policy consultant for government agencies and companies in places like Japan and the United States, as well as the International Paralympic Committee and United Nations. Some of the projects that he is involved in concern inclusive education, equitable transit, and disaster risk management for disabled people.