全学自由研究ゼミナール (私ってだれ?アイデンティティ研究入門 // Who am I? An introduction to identity studies)
私ってだれ?アイデンティティ研究入門 // Who am I? An introduction to identity studies
・ アイデンティティを理解し定義する様々な方法に精通する
・ 幅広い学問分野がどのようにアイデンティティ研究を扱っているか理解する
・ アイデンティティと文化、社会、メディア、テクノロジー、身体、政治の関係性を示す具体的なケーススタディを学ぶ
・ アイデンティティを形成する個人的、社会的、制度的、物質的な要因を分析する
・ アイデンティティに関する学際的な思考を実生活や研究に応用する
Who am I? While this question is traditionally associated with philosophy and religion, in this seminar we will approach it from a wide range of disciplines that research identity. This interdisciplinary seminar will familiarize you with basic concepts of identity studies and confront you with case studies that ask how personal and group identities are negotiated and contested in different cultural and social settings. We will explore the relationship between identity and the body, language, media, technology, culture, politics, and science. To pass the seminar, participants will give a presentation of an identity-related topic of their choice and write a short essay.
<<Learning Goals>>
After successfully completing this course, you will
- be familiar with different ways of understanding and defining identity
- understand how a wide range of disciplines approach the study of identity
- have learnt about concrete case studies that demonstrate how identity intersects with culture, society, media, technology, the body, and politics
- be able to analyze personal, social, institutional and material factors that shape identities
- be able to apply interdisciplinary thinking about identity to your own life and research
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