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事例研究 内閣総理大臣官邸における政策形成と実施・広報の過程(I) Case Study: How is a policy formulated and implemented at the Office of Prime Minister of Japan? How have policies been communicated to become effective? (I)
We study the institutional base of mandate and authority of the Prime Minister. Through examining specific cases, we would learn, from a practical point of view, what role the Office of Prime Minister plays in order to formulate and implement specific policies, as well as to communicate them to the public. We also appraise whether measures taken in this regard were effective. During the course, we focus on the impact of public relations on policies. Though the cases are selected from the government activities, findings and lessons students learn from the class would also be applicable to other fields of business as well as large-scale organizations.
MIMA Search
長谷川 榮一
S1 S2
Part 1: Function and structure of the current Cabinet of Japan (first 3 classes) 第一部 現行内閣の機能、構造(3回) 1、Key points of the administrative reform of 2001 行政改革の要旨 2、Subsequent social and economic changes that had impact on the original design of the reform and their consequences その後の事情変更と行政への影響 Part 2: Basic philosophy of the Abe administration and its policy pillars (the following 2 classes) 第二部 安倍政権の思想と基本政策(2回) 1、Background 2、Basic philosophy behind policies 3、”Abenomics” 4、Assessment 背景、基本政策思想、アベノミクス、評価 Part 3: Specific cases where the Office of Prime Minister took an initiative in designing and implementing a policy while coordinating relevant ministries and integrating their functions (the following 2 classes)  第三部 関係省庁を統合した政策の立案・執行の統合(2回) 1、An annual calendar of policy formulation 政策立案、予算編成、国会審議の歳時記 From spring to mid-summer, the basic direction of how to conduct the economic and fiscal policy, and the reform is consolidated and approved by the Cabinet Ministers through consultation with the two ruling parties. 骨太方針のまとめ Following the basic policy direction, by the end of August, line ministries draw a plan of budget necessary for discharging its responsibility for the next fiscal year as well as a draft of legislation when necessary. 各省で予算要求まとめ By the end of the calendar year, the coordination of the budget plan between the respective line ministry and Ministry of Finance is finished and the budget plan for the entire government is completed. 政府内調整、年末の政府原案とりまとめ In the latter part of January and upon starting of Diet, Prime Minister annually states how to administer policies and the government. At the same time the government submits the draft of budget for the coming fiscal year starting April 1. 施政方針演説、同時に翌年度予算案の国会提出。 Deliberation and examination by the Houses of Diet. In most years, the deliberation and examination on the budget for the next year are wrapped by the end of March. 国会審議、衆参予算委員会をはじめとする国会審議。 2、Examples of how the Office of Prime Minister coordinated relevant ministries for designing and implementing policies 関係省庁を統合した政策立案・実施の具体例 Part 4: Aspects of public relations pursued at the Office of Prime Minister (the following 4 classes) 第四部 広報(4回) 1、Basic premise and key elements 基本的要素 2、Daily public relations activities at the Office of Prime Minister and the assessment on their effectiveness 首相官邸での日々の広報活動と評価 3、Some characteristics of the media メディアの特質 4、Competition for publicizing and countering views with other countries 外国との情報戦 Part 5: Ways to defend, keep and raise reputation and impression of Japan in the international society (the following 1 class) 第五部 国際場裡での評価、イメージ(1回) 1、From the start of the Abe administration and 2014    政権発足時~2014年 2、 Between 2015 and 2016---Visit to the U.S. at the 70 years anniversary of the end of the Second World War, announcement of the statement at the anniversary of the government of Japan, G7 leaders’ Ise-Shima Summit meeting, and the election of Mr. Donald Trump as the US Presidential 戦後70周年訪米、談話、G7伊勢志摩サミット、トランプが米国大統領選を制す 3、Between 2017 and 2018 2017年~18年 4、2019---the enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor and G20 leaders’ Osaka Summit meeting  御代替わり、大阪G20サミット Part 6: Two essential laws for national government officials (the following 2 classes) 第六部 国家公務員になるにあたっての必需知識(2回) 1、Freedom of Information Access Law情報公開法 2、Ethics rules as a national government official 国家公務員としての倫理 〇Examination(1 class) 試験(1回) ※外部の有識者を講師として招くこともある。 ※ I may invite a guest speaker and request the person to give a lecture.
私が、事前に(原則として前の回の授業直後に)学生に教材を提供する。授業では、私がその内容を説明し、その上でそれに関連した議論を行うことで知識を深め、思考訓練を行う授業とする。 I would provide to students with class material in advance (immediately after the preceding class). I would give a lecture based upon the material, followed with discussion among students with an aim of deepening relevant knowledge and conducting thinking exercise.
授業参加度と期末試験の双方で評価  combining class participation and examination with equal weight
私が教材を準備する。また、授業開始時に、次回以降の参考文献を明らかにする。 I would prepare teaching materials. I would inform students with useful materials for the subsequent classes which are preferred to be read in advance.
長谷川榮一「首相官邸の2800日」(新潮新書) アジア・パシフィック・イニシアティヴ「検証・安倍政権」(文春新書) Tobias HARRIS “Iconoclast” Ryozo HIMINO “The Japanese Banking Crisis” Paul SHEARD “Abenomics: Explaining It, Assessing It, and Telling The Untold Story”
授業で、自分の意見を述べ、議論に参加するなど、授業への貢献を期待する。その成果はクラス参加の評価にあたり、考慮する。 I appreciate if students would contribute to my class by sharing his/her views and insight with classmates. Such contribution is will be taken into account when I evaluate class participation.