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Development Operations of the World Bank Group

Development Operations of the World Bank Group
The World Bank Group (WBG) institutions (World Bank (IBRD and IDA), IFC and MIGA) operate in developing countries to end extreme poverty and to boost shared prosperity. The operations of the Group also contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by the member countries of the United Nations. This course covers the key operations of the WBG and the principles which regulate the operations to manage risks deriving from external and internal factors. As some senior management of the World Bank Group give lectures online, this course provides students with good opportunities to directly discuss development operations with them.
The objective of this course is to better understand how the WBG operate for developing countries. It will help students develop policies, programs and projects to accelerate the growth of a country addressing environmental and social challenges. Students who finish this course and fully understand the operations of the WBG can start working for the WBG from day-one when they get a job in the WBG.
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Development Operations of the World Bank Group
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1.April 5, <Theme 1> Guidance and Mission of the WBG, Its Strategies and Products 8:30- Online (Zoom) 2.April 19, <Theme 2> Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8:30- Online (Zoom) 3.April 26, <Theme 3> Results Management (frameworks, project results, IEG, Corporate Score Cards) 8:30- Online (Zoom) 4.May 10, <Theme 4> Partnering with Governments (Country Partnership Framework (CPF), Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD), CPIA (Country Policy and Institutional Assessment) Score) 8:30- Online (Zoom) 5.May 15, 6.May 17, <Theme 7> Debt Sustainability (Lecturer: Shogo Ishii, Former  Director of IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific) 8:30- Online(Zoom) 7.May 24, 8.May 31, 9.June 7, 10.June 14, 11.June 21, 12.June 28, 13.July 5, <Theme 5> Mobilizing Private Sector for Development 8:30- Online (Zoom) <Theme 6> Environmental and Social Framework 8:30- Online (Zoom) <Theme 8> Operations in East Asia and the Pacific (Lecturer: Manuela Ferro, Vice President, East Asia and the Pacific, World Bank) 8:30am- Online (Webex) <Theme 9> Treasury Operations of the World Bank (Lecturer: Jorge Familiar Calderon, Vice President and Treasurer, Treasury, World Bank) 8:30am- Online (Webex) <Theme 10> Operations of IFC (Lecturer: Emmanuel Nyirinkindi, Vice President, Cross-Cutting Solutions, IFC)  8:30am- Online (Webex) <Theme 11> Operations of MIGA (Lecturer: Hiroshi Matano, CEO, MIGA) 8:30am- Online (Webex) <Theme 12> Operations in Maldives and Sri Lanka (Lecturer: Chiyo Kanda, Country Manager, Maldives and Sri Lanka, World Bank) 18:45- Online (Webex) Only this one will start at 18:45. <Theme 13> Changing Landscape of Aid and the World Bank Group (Lecturer: Yasuaki Yoneyama, Special Representative, Japan, World Bank) 8:30am- Online (Webex) 
Theme 1&7 Lectures Theme 2-6 Students’ presentations Theme 8-13 Lectures by Senior Management of the WBG At the end of the first class each student will be assigned to a theme which they are required to make presentation. The presentation material prepared by students should be submitted to Professor Naka (*****) and a Teaching Assistant (Kazusa Yoshimura at *****) one day before the class. Four lectures (Theme 8-11) are expected to be provided from Washington DC by Vice Presidents (or his/her alternate) of the World Bank. One lecture (Theme 12) is expected to be provided from Sri Lanka from 18:45 due to the time difference. The lecturers and dates of Theme 8-13 will be confirmed in due course and provided through Webex. A Webex inivitation will be sent to you at least one day before each lecture. These six lectures will be open to students of the University of Tokyo and other universities in order for the WBG to outreach as many students as possible. Other classes (Theme 1-7) will be done through Zoom. Zoom URL is as follows: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/*****
Presentations, participation in class, and report. Exam will not be implemented. The participation will be evaluated counting the number of questions you ask at the lectures including ones by senior management of the WBG. Students who are not able to attend the lectures need a prior permission from Professor Naka. The following is about the report: What to write: Suppose you are a staff member of the World Bank Group. Choose a country you would like to help with the private sector. Plan what kind of project and development impact you want to achieve for the country, taking into consideration such as a context of SDGs, mobilizing private sector for development, the results framework and the E&S risks. Describe your thought in 1,000 to 1,500 words. You can choose whatever country you want to help as a staff member of the World Bank Group. You can decide whatever development project with which you help the country. The conditions you have to follow are: -To include the private sector as a project partner and to consider how to reduce risks the private sector does not want to take. -To set a development goal which you need to achieve in your project in order to make the project accountable. -To evaluate the E&S risks. In short you will be a Task Team Leader who manages the entire project. Please enjoy being a TTL! When to submit and how: Submit the report to Professor Naka by email (*****) by Tuesday, July 16.
Web pages of the World Bank Group etc., specified by themes (Theme 1-6). When you open the following URLs, you will know what questions you have to answer during the class and the related website you need to refer: Theme 1, Mission of the WBG, Its Strategies and Products (Lending and ASA (Advisory Services and Analytics)) https://drive.google.com/***** Theme 2, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) https://drive.google.com/***** Theme 3, Results Management (frameworks, Corporate Score Cards, project results, IEG) https://drive.google.com/***** Theme 4, Partnering with Governments (Country Partnership Framework (CPF), Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD), CPIA (Country Policy and Institutional Assessment) Score, Capacity Building) https://drive.google.com/***** Theme 5, Mobilizing Private Sector for Development   https://drive.google.com/***** Theme 6, Environmental and Social Framework   https://drive.google.com/*****
Nothing particular. Only passion for helping developing countries is needed.