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Asian Economic Development and Integration

The COVID19 pandemic has caused the economic shocks that drive governments in the world to react decisively to support firms, workers, and households by channeling liquidity support measures, such as social assistance, government loans to SMEs, and tax cuts. From advanced countries to emerging and low-income economies, governments have invested a vast amount of fiscal stimulus into protecting their people and defending their economies from further downturns. Furthermore, multiple lockdowns have also affected social aspects of development, such as education, food and nutrition, as well as closures of some small businesses. UNICEF (2020) noted that more than 1 billion children are at risk of falling behind due to school closures aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19. Even though countries have implemented remote education programs, children in the poorer areas may not have internet access, personal computers, TVs or even radio at home, amplifying the effects of existing learning inequalities. World Bank (2021) also pointed out that more countries are facing growing levels of acute food insecurity, higher than before COVID19 pandemic. The United Nations (2020) pointed out that, shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. In terms of climate change action, the world is still far from meeting its Paris Agreement targets.
This course reviews the key factors influencing the rapid growth and development of Asian economies since the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 and how globalization and regional cooperation affect the development of countries in this region. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a game-changer in this area and has fundamentally transformed many aspects, including the process of policy formulation.

The course will examine a range of development challenges that the region has faced, and the response made by various economies. It will draw on diverse country, sub-regional, and regional experiences to identify policies that seem to have contributed most significantly to growth and development, examine why they “worked,” and how they might be applied in other developing economies. It will consider current policy debates on a host of “hot” topics including poverty and social security, macroeconomic fiscal and monetary policies, infrastructure, the role of small medium enterprises (SMEs), financial sector development, industrial development, food security, and education. At the end of the course, students should understand the key drivers of Asian economic growth, development and integration in the past 50 years and be familiar with a range of development issues likely to influence future policy options in the region.
This course is tailored for students of all professional levels, thus, students with non-economic background are welcome to join and learn crucial regional issues and explore policy recommendations to overcome those challenges.
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Asian Economic Development and Integration
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The course will be divided into a 60-minutes lecture and a 45-minutes discussion. Students are expected to attend all lectures, participate actively in class discussions, write an essay on any topic related to economic development that can be used as a foundation of the term paper, write a term paper, and make a presentation on the term paper.
The course is planned to be in a hybrid format and subject to change due to COVID19 restriction regulation.
Each student will be assessed with the criteria as follows: 1.Class participation and class discussion (30%) The class discussion is an integral part of the course. The purpose of the class discussion is to engage the students to deeply understand the topic of the lectures. 2.Written term paper (40%) a.Term paper proposal: Each student will submit a proposal (1-2 pages). The proposal should include (i) the title of the paper and name of the student; (ii) key issues, question, and hypothesis; (iii) methodology, including the planned use of empirical evidence and data; and (iv) a brief review of books, papers, journal articles, databases or other sources to be used (list 5-10 references). b.Final draft: Students should research and write a draft of the paper. In the process, they may consult with their advisor assigned from ADBI. c.Revised term paper: Students should revise their paper based on the comments and suggestions during the presentation session. Students should write a term paper under the guidance of one ADBI professional staff/lecturer. The paper should be a maximum of 20 pages (using Arial font, 1.5 space, 11 pt.) including tables, figures, and references. 3.Term paper presentation (30%) Students will present their papers. The presentation will be a maximum of 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of comments and questions from ADBI professional staff/lecturers.
"Textbook" and "Reference" will be provided to The University of Tokyo CO-OP.
"Textbook" and "Reference" will be provided to The University of Tokyo CO-OP.
This course consists of series of lectures on the theme Asian Economic Development and Integration. No pre-requisite course is mandatory, however, introductory econometrics and economics will be advantage to this course.