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New Dimensions of Security in the Risk Age

COVID-19 has starkly reinforced how the world faces global risks, of which COVID is only one out of many. Why does the World Economic Forum publish its annual Global Risks Report and how does it arrive at its findings? And what are so-called “Existential Risks” that supposedly pose a risk to humanity’s very survival? As governments such as the United Kingdom issue National Risk Registers to guide policy makers, this module enables students to examine the security dimensions of living in what sociologists have termed a ‘World Risk Society’. It highlights the new nature of vulnerability in an era of contested and often politicised science, as well as the impact on how we conceptualise and think about security. The module shows how key stakeholders such as industry, media, governments and politicians have to play crucial roles in not only shaping responses to these perceived risks, but also how to appropriately manage them. Students will be introduced to how risks of all types have challenged policy makers in the post-Cold War era from ethnic conflicts in Kosovo, the 9/11 terror attacks, Afghanistan, Iraq and so-called Islamic State. Most recently so-called existential risks such as AI and climate change and systemic risks to critical infrastructure such as the Suez Canal have captured attention. Concepts such as Security Paradigm Shifts, Omission versus Commission; the Risk Calculus, and Precautionary Principle will be discussed. While these issues are not necessarily new in a historical sense, this module shows how they have garnered renewed attention through the prism of risk. Policy responses are finally examined such as capacity for building “futures literacy” and National Risk Assessment Exercises.
The following outcomes are emphasized:
1.An ability to understand and evaluate a range of new security challenges and policy responses interconnected through globalization and technology
2.The linkage between industry, media, politics, and science and its relevance to global security affairs
3.The ability to collate and evaluate arguments from different sources and theoretical perspectives
4.The ability to formulate and articulate views coherently in written and oral forms
5.Critical thinking, analytical and reading skills
MIMA Search
New Dimensions of Security in the Risk Age
HENG Yee Kuang
S1 S2
Week 1: Introduction to the Risk Age Week 2: The World Risk Society and Existential Risk Studies Week 3: Risk and changing security paradigms Week 4: The Risk Calculus at war: Ethnic conflicts and the Kosovo campaign (public holiday) Week 5: A Shifting Risk Calculus: From the Bush doctrine to Obama doctrine, Trump and Biden? Week 6: Risk Management, Temporality and the Forever War in Afghanistan Week 7: The NATO Alliance in the age of risk: Whither Russia? Week 8: Critical Maritime infrastructure risks (guest lecture online by Prof IKEDA Ryo, Tohoku University) Week 9: Self-Study and Reading Week Week 10: AI and Disinformation Risks (guest lecture online by Dr Giulio Corsi, Cambridge University) Week 11: Biotechnology and Biosecurity Risks (guest lecture online by Dr Tom Hobson, Cambridge University TBC) Week 12: Mystery Topic Chosen by Students Week 13: Methods and Tools in National Risk Assessment Exercises
The instructor will first provide an overview at each session through a lecture, followed by an interactive seminar format where student groups will participate and take responsibility for designing classroom activities. More instructions will be given during the first class.
Class Participation and Contributions to discussion (20%) Student-designed Group Presentation (30%) “How good Is ChatGPT” (50%): Step 1. Ask ChatGPT to answer a question you have generated about ONE of the weekly topics (1000 words max ChatGPT answer). Step 2. Write a 2,000 word essay evaluating ChatGPT answer’s strengths and weaknesses, supported by your readings from that week. Assignment due in class 1pm, Monday of Week 10. Soft copy to be emailed to TA and instructor.
Ulrich Beck, The Risk Society, (Cambridge, Polity, 1992 Ulrich Beck, The World Risk Society, (Cambridge, Polity, 1999) SJ Beard (et al), The Era of Global Risk: An introduction to Existential Risk Studies, (Open Book Publishers, 2023), full text at https://www.openbookpublishers.com/*****
Yee Kuang HENG, War as Risk Management (London: Routledge, 2006) Yee Kuang HENG, Managing Global Risks in an Urban Age, (London: Routledge, 2016)
MPORTANT: This class will be limited to 20 students to maintain teaching quality at graduate level. During the first class, students will be asked to register separately on a web-based form that will be distributed by the TA. Prior background with basic course in ‘Security Studies’ or ‘International Relations’ background preferred. Prof. Heng can be contacted at ***** Teaching Assistant Bradley Murray can be contacted at ***** This class will be delivered online through ZOOM for the first few weeks, transitioning to face-to-face sessions afterwards. Seminar Room venue will be notified afterwards.