HOME 大学院 European perspectives on law and society: a comparative and historical approach


European perspectives on law and society: a comparative and historical approach

Law bottom-up: legal consciousness in Europe and Japan
In this seminar we will discuss the way that citizens think about the law. This question has been central to research in the field of law and society worldwide. In a "revival" of the classic question in this field, recent publications have proposed a new approach on thinking about the law and the role that law plays in society today. This new approach was mainly proposed by the Dutch socio-legal scholar Marc Hertogh in his book "Nobody's law: Legal consciousness and legal alienation in everyday life" (Springer, 2018). He departed from the observation that there is a crisis of the rule of law in Europe because of an "alienation" of people from the law. Hertogh argues that scholars of law and society have to take this crisis seriously to guarantee a continued proper functioning of the legal system and hence, to ensure a robust democracy. In this seminar we will introduce the field of law and society by specifically analysing the question of legal consciousness (法意識) in relation with democracy. We will pay attention to classical research on legal consciousness in Japan, its content, methodology, social context, strengths and flaws. We will then read Marc Hertogh's book and discuss whether his approach is new and relevant. What does this book mean for the study of law and society in Japan? Are law and democracy in Japan in a similar state of crisis than Europe? In sum, in this seminar, law in society will be analysed from a bottom-up perspective, i.e. from the perspective of the people and how this impacts the legal system (therefore we will keep the macroscopic and comparative perspective in mind). Students will be encouraged to raise issues, suggest readings, articles from newspapers, movies, etc, and introduce relevant cases. Students will also be introduced to and conduct interviews with relevant actors.
MIMA Search
European perspectives on law and society: a comparative and historical approach
Dimitri Vanoverbeke
S1 S2
Part One: Setting the stage 第1回目 :Introduction: 第2回目 : What is sociology of law? Legal Consciousness and sociology of law in Japan: methodology, strengths and weaknesses 第3回目 : 冤罪と法意識 第4回目 : Guest speaker about 冤罪 第5回目 : Guest speaker Prof. Mathieu Deflem (Department of Sociology, University of South Carolina) Part Two: Close Reading: Law bottom-up: how to think about how people think about the law 第6回目 : Law Bottom-up: an introduction Reading: Hertogh, Marc. “Chapter 1: Introduction” in: Marc Hertogh, Nobody's law: Legal consciousness and legal alienation in everyday life. Springer, 2018.) 第7回目 : Visions on Legal Culture in Europe and Japan Reading: Hertogh, Marc. “Chapter 2: The Myth of Dutch Legal Culture” in: Marc Hertogh, Nobody's law: Legal consciousness and legal alienation in everyday life. Springer, 2018.) 第8回目 : Alienation and trust in the legal system (Europe and Japan) Reading: Hertogh, Marc. “Chapter 3: “Loyalists, Legalists, Cynics and Outsiders” in: Marc Hertogh, Nobody's law: Legal consciousness and legal alienation in everyday life. Springer, 2018.) 第9回目 : Legal consciousness as a central concept to approach analysis in law and society Reading: Hertogh, Marc. “Chapter 4: research Methods: Through the Lens of Legal Consciousness” in: Marc Hertogh, Nobody's law: Legal consciousness and legal alienation in everyday life. Springer, 2018.) 第10回目: Guest speaker Part Three: Case studies: discovering law reforms, society and policy making in Japan and Europe 第11回 : Legal alienation in everyday life: A School Director and Non-discrimination Law Reading: Hertogh, Marc. Chapter 5 第12回 : Legal alienation in everyday life: Contractors and Competition Law Reading: Hertogh, Marc. Chapter 6 第13回 : Legal alienation in everyday life: Front-Line Officials and Public Law Reading: Hertogh, Marc. Chapter 7
双方向的授業を中心に行う その他(演習・発表と議論を中心とする)
筆記試験を行わない 平常点を考慮する レポートを課す
参考書(主) Hertogh, Marc. Nobody's law: Legal consciousness and legal alienation in everyday life. Springer, 2018. その他、随時指示する。
予備知識は特に必要ない。 熱意のある人、やる気のある人を募集する。