Other survey papers relevant to the course
1. Aghion, P., Akcigit, U., & Howitt, P. (2014). What do we learn from Schumpeterian growth theory?. Handbook of economic growth (Vol. 2, pp. 515-563). Elsevier.
2. Buera, F. J., Kaboski, J. P., & Shin, Y. (2015). Entrepreneurship and financial frictions: A macrodevelopment perspective. economics, Annual Review of Economics, 7(1), 409-436.
3 Jones, C. I. (2016). The facts of economic growth. Handbook of Macroeconomics (Vol. 2, pp. 3-69). Elsevier.
4. Herrendorf, B., Rogerson, R., & Valentinyi, A. (2014). Growth and structural transformation. Handbook of economic growth, 2, 855-941.