HOME 大学院 Introduction to International Politics


Introduction to International Politics

The course provides an overview of the main outstanding issues in international politics. First, after a brief historical introduction, it looks at the definitions of this field of studies under a number of theoretical perspectives, and then focuses on several emerging problems of global nature. Besides the theoretical and methodological discussions characterising international political studies, the course highlights – by making a systematic use of illustrative examples – the relevance of geopoli-tics, of international economic questions, of international organisations, and of environmental con-cerns. The course is intended for an audience of post-graduate students with no or limited back-ground in international studies, and aims to provide the information and analytical tools for an ef-fective orientation in the contemporary global political setting.
At the end of this course, the student should have familiarised with a series of ongoing discussions concerning the nature of international politics, both in its theoretical articulation and in its several sectorial dimensions. International political theory will be introduced through an analysis of the ma-jor schools of thoughts providing a definition of what international politics is about (ontology) and how it is supposed to be studied (epistemology). For this initial part (Lectures 1-7), the students will become familiar with the concepts of realism, Realpolitik, anarchy, power, national interest, zero-sum-game, relative vs. absolute gain, polarity, globalisation, sphere of influence, intervention, human rights, emancipation. A second group of four lectures introduces specific sub-disciplines and study fields in international politics, dealing with geopolitics, international political economy, international organisation, and international environmental issues. Student will become acquaint-ed with the influence that geography exercises on the life of political communities, and how much of international political debates and struggles revolve around the position of a certain state within the economic architecture of the globe. International organisations will be illustrated as the key component of a highly interconnected world in need of governance structures, however tenuous. A strong emphasis will be put on environmental questions, particularly climate change, and the student will familiarise with the specific difficulties characterising environment protection in a glob-alised world with high levels of resource competition.
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Introduction to International Politics
ORSI Roberto
A1 A2
The course is divided in 13 teaching units of 100 minutes each. Each teaching units comprises 50 minutes of lecture, a ten minute break, and about 40 minutes of seminar. The seminar is struc-tured around exercises and discussions related to the topic of the lecture previously delivered, and requires the student to have covered the readings in order to be able to actively participate in class discussions. The precise schedule will be uploaded at a later stage.
Frontal lecture; in-class debate; written assignments.
The student’s performance is assessed with regard to attendance and in-class performance, and the production of essays. 20% of the overall assessment is determined by evaluating the student’s degree and quality of par-ticipation in class activities, including attendance. 80% of the assessment is determined by two essays (each with a 40% weight) which the student will submit to the course leader in the weeks following lecture 8 and the second one after the end of the course. Each essay should be about 2,000 word long and referenced. It should consist in the answer to a question chosen from a list which the course leader will circulate in advance. The course leader will announce the related deadlines during the course. The essays must be submit-ted via Turnitin, a plagiarism-checking website.
There is no official textbook for this class. However, the student may profit from reading the follwing publications: •Martin Hollis, Explaining and Understanding International Relations, Oxford University Press, 1991. •John Masker, Introduction to Global Politics. A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. •John Ravenhill, Global Political Economy, Third Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. •Scott Burchill et al., Theories of International Relations, Fifth Edition, Palgrave Macmillan 2013. •Robert Jackson and Georg Sorensen, Introduction to International Relations, Theories and Approaches, Sixth Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. •Joyce P. Kaufman, Introduction to International Relations. Theory and Practice, Second Edi-tion, Lanham (Maryland): Rowman and Littlefield 2018. •Cynthia Weber, International Relations Theory: A Critical Introduction, Forth Edition, Lon-don and New York: Routledge 2014.
More bibliographical information will be indicated for each class.
The size of this class is limited to about 18 students. Past experiences have revealed that if a class is well above this limit, the quality of teaching and overall interaction is diminished.