HOME 大学院 Field Seminar in International Relations


Field Seminar in International Relations

This course provides an overview of the key challenges of International Relations in the 21st century. It will cover core theories as well as integrating concepts to help understand International Relations as a complex interplay between power and interests, cooperation and discord; institutions and norms, and diverse actors from Great Powers to small states. This course will focus specifically on the different dimensions, projections, and manifestations of power in International Relations. This includes power transitions; soft and hard power; the use of the military instrument; and military power to shape regional order.
It is anticipated that students will develop a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the complexities of the international system in the 21st century. Through prescribed academic writings, students are directed to the linkage between emerging global events and to think critically about how the global agenda of the new millennium will be shaped by drivers such as globalisation, cooperation and discord, and major power transitions.
The following outcomes are emphasized:
1.An ability to approach both theoretical debates and foreign policy outcomes with diverse analytical tools
2.The ability to collate and evaluate arguments from different sources and perspectives
3.The ability to formulate and articulate views coherently in written and oral forms
4.Critical thinking, analytical and reading skills
MIMA Search
Field Seminar in International Relations
HENG Yee Kuang
S1 S2
Week 1: The Distinctive Nature of International Politics and Power Week 2: Power Transitions, War and (De)Globalisation Week 3: Foreign Policy Analysis and Perceptions of Power Week 4: Small States and the Limitations of Power? Week 5: Soft Power and Cultural attraction Week 6: Smart Power and the Military Week 7: Hard Power and Military Exercises Week 8: Deterrence: Why is it so difficult? (Guest lecture online by Dr. NAKATANI Hiroshi, Japan Air Self Defense Force Command and Staff College, Centre for Airpower Studies) Week 9: Shaping the International Order Week 10: Student Self-Learning and Revision Week Week 11: Online Guest lecture Dr Vindu Chotani, Tsukuba Uni Week 12: Mystery Topic Chosen by Students Week 13: Wrap-Up, Reflections and Close
The instructor will first provide an overview and recap at each session, followed by a short 10mins break. This is followed by an interactive seminar format where student groups will participate and take responsibility for designing classroom activities. The instructor will give more guidance on designing classroom activities.
Class Participation and Contributions to discussion (20%) Student-designed Group Presentation (30%) Essay assignment “How good Is ChatGPT” (50%): Step 1. Ask ChatGPT to answer a question you have generated about ONE of the weekly topics (1000 words max ChatGPT answer). Step 2. Write a 2,000 word essay evaluating ChatGPT answer’s strengths and weaknesses, supported by your readings from that week. Assignment due in class 1pm, Tuesday of Week 10. Soft copy to be emailed to TA and instructor.
Not specific
Sample readings: H Bull, The Anarchical Society, (London: Macmillan 1977) C Alden and A Aran, Foreign Policy Analysis – New Approaches, Routledge, 2011 H. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations (5th ed., New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973). A.J.F. Organski, ‘Power transition’ in Colin Elman and Michael Jensen (eds), The Realism Reader, Routledge, 2014, p207-210 Nye, Joseph, Soft Power and Great Power Competition, Springer, 2023 Michale J. Mazarr, Understanding Deterrence (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2018) https://www.rand.org/*****
IMPORTANT: This class will be limited to 20 students to maintain teaching quality at graduate level. During the first class, students will be asked to register separately on a web-based form that will be distributed by the TA. Prior background with basic course in ‘Security Studies’ or ‘International Relations’ background preferred. Prof. Heng can be contacted at ***** Teaching Assistant Haruhito Suzuki can be contacted at This class will be delivered online through ZOOM for the first few weeks, transitioning to face-to-face sessions afterwards. Seminar Room venue will be notified afterwards. ZOOM Meeting ID **********