Introduction to Non-Ideal Epistemology
This class is designed to examine a wide range of basic topics in comtemporary non-ideal epistemology. In the analytic tradtiton, episteomlogy tended to focus exclusively on the nature of justification and knowledge, but in recent years, various branches of epistemology, such as social, virtue, and feminist epistemology, are exploring epistemological issues about testimony, epistemic injustice and oppression, the ethics of belief, propositional ignorance, and liberatory intellectual virtue and vice. This class offers students many opportunities to deepen the understandingof the contemporary non-ideal epistemology so that they will be able to considermany classical and contemporary questions, including a way to rectify epistemic disfunctions in the present social world.
Learning goals: First, students will acquire historical and contemporary perspectives about non-ideal epistemology, such as dispute over the nature of ignorance. Second, students will acquire questioning competences through active participation in group discussion so that they will clearly express their views.
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