HOME 大学院 Information, Technology, and Society in Asia 102


Information, Technology, and Society in Asia 102

This is an intensive seminar for ITASIA students who are concurrently enrolled in ITASIA 101. The purpose is to develop their competencies in academic argumentation and writing. This seminar focuses on readings assigned specifically for this seminar as well as those assigned for ITASIA 101. This is not a review session, it is a seminar aimed to expand upon the lecture class by concentrating on issues and topics related to, but not exclusively those raised during the lectures. Since the focus of the seminar is on student discussion, participants are required to complete all reading assignments and adequately prepare themselves to actively participate in each and every seminar meeting. Students are expected engage in a graduate-level discussion of Asian studies and its disciplines.
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Information, Technology, and Society in Asia 102
A1 A2
Weekly starting 3 October
Seminar discussion
Assignments & Assessment Students will be graded by class participation (52%) and written assignments (48 %). Participation in Class Discussions (36 pts) Also, each class, all students will be assessed on the extent to which they participate. They can earn 4 points at maximum. BUT no talk = zero points. a.This seminar lives or dies on your commitment to the ideals of collective inquiry and mutual respect. Please internalize an attitude of collegiality, which for the purposes of this seminar is defined as a mutually beneficial disposition toward each other characterized by behaviors such as sharing, thoughtfulness, timeliness, reciprocity, helpfulness, and honesty. b.Please come to class prepared to actively discuss the readings for the session. c.We expect you to respect other’s rights to hold opinions that differ from your own. Please allow everyone the chance to talk. An honest, collegial, disagreement between individuals can provide an excellent learning opportunity for everyone. d.Students can earn a maximum of 3 pts for each session by actively participating in the discussion. No talk, zero points. Oral Presentations (16 pts) Students will make two oral presentations to the seminar. a.Each student will present two articles from the required reading list during the course of the semester. b.The presentation should be 15 minutes in length and include the following three sections: 1.Main arguments of the reading 2.Your understanding or critique of the reading c.During your presentation you should raise two or three questions for discussion. Please email your questions to your TA several hours before the start of seminar. But keep in mind that the bulk of the presentation should be your understanding or critique of the reading. d.Handouts and PowerPoint slides are not allowed. You may use note cards during your presentation, but please do not “read” from them. I suggest you practice your presentation several times prior to the start of seminar. e.Students can earn a maximum of 8 pts for each presentation. Presentations will be evaluated by how well you meet the requirements listed above. Specifically, your understanding of the materials and the clarity of your presentation. f.Your presentation may be substantively similar to your Weekly Response Essay, but it may not exactly correspond word for word. You MUST write new material for your presentation. Weekly Response Essays (48 pts) These essays are not summaries of discussion nor assigned readings. After each session, students will write a short response essay, which includes the students’ ‘takeaway’ from the class discussion as well as the students’ commentary (not summary of) on the required readings. This response essay will be assessed by your TA. a.After each session, students will write a short response essay (roughly 300 words). There will be 12 sessions this term each worth 4 points. Please send your response paper to your TA by midnight on the day of class (Japan time). I suggest that you plan to write this essay immediately after each seminar. b.A good piece of writing should touch upon two things: 1) your understanding or critique of the readings (not a summary of), and 2) your ‘takeaway’ from the class discussion (again, not a summary). c.Students can earn a maximum of 4 pts for each response paper. * Citing articles from the recommended reading lists in your presentation, discussion or writing may provide a better chance to earn higher points. Yet, students are expected to focus mainly on the required readings.
To be discussed on first day of class.