Introduction Course for AI Practitioners
人文・社会科学系から農学・医学・理工系までの,AIや情報を専門としない学生を第一のターゲットとします.またAIや情報を専門とする学生も,実応用やユーザ視点を学ぶと共に異分野交流の機会を得られるので有益です.具体的には、AIとは何かについて概観したあと,AI技術の中核である視覚AI、対話AI(ChatGPT)などの概要を学び,次にそれらが人文社会・法・理・医・工・芸術などの分野において、どのように実装し活用されているかを、各分野の専門家から学びます。また、受講生自身がAIユーザとなって、GPT4やDALL·E など最先端なツールの活用・評価などを行うグループワークや、課題発表・ディスカッションも行います。これらの講義と実践の内容は,人文社会系等の学生でも抵抗なく取り組めるよう,教養課程を越える数理・情報・プログラミング等の知識・経験は前提としません.一方で,本講義をきっかけに,より深く技術的な内容を学びたくなった学生のために,体系的習得のための他講義や教科書の紹介などのガイダンスも行います.
Thanks to the astonishing advancement of technologies relating to deep learning and big data, artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping many aspects of the society. This course will deliver overviews of recent applications of AI in a variety of fields, through which one might get to know state-of-the-art AI technologies better and, hopefully, to utilize them for his/her own tasks. This course is targeting on students from departments in literature, social science, agriculture, medical science et al., without requiring expertise in informatics and AI. In spite of that, students in informatics are also welcomed, since it is beneficial to know recent applications of AI and to communicate with people beyond informatics through this course. Specifically, after brief introductions of AI’s history and advancement in the deep learning era, invited experts in literature, social science, arts, medical science et al., will introduce the latest applications of AI in a specific domain. As potential users of AI technologies and products, all students in this lecture are encouraged to experience recent off-the-shelf AI tools, like GPT4 and DALL·E , without heavy programming loads. For those who would like to go deeper into AI, a comprehensive review of lectures given in the graduate school of IST will be offered for information.
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