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Frontier of Sustainability Science サステイナビリティ学最前線(2)
This course is designed to learn a great variety of researches conducted at the frontier of “Sustainability Science”, through the latest research outcomes of Sustainability Science Consortium (SSC) and Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S). SSC and IR3S were established to develop sustainability research, education, and public outreach programs and to strengthen coordination between national and local government, corporations, NPOs and other organizations while developing practical measures for technological innovation and social transformation (http://ssc-g.net/*****). By understanding a variety of academic fields related to sustainability and interactions among them, students will come to take part in the process of integrating multiple academic disciplines to implement sustainability science approach.
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亀山 康子
Schedule of 2024 was updated (20240528). --- June 1 (Saturday) Lecture 1: Introduction (Michinori Uwasu, Osaka U) This lecture first explains the course objectives, duties, and scope. I then briefly cover the concepts, definitions and approaches of sustainability science and SDGs while discussing current states and challenges of global sustainability. Highlights in our talk include the research challenges the SDGs initiatives face, which aims to equip you with ideas/views useful for going through the series of lectures and the group work. Lecture 2: Pathways for resilient climate change development (Makoto Tamura, Ibaraki U) IPCC AR6 proposes climate resilient development, which stresses the importance of synergies for mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable development. The lecture overviews current climate change issues and their countermeasures for achieving sustainability. Lecture 3: Climate change mitigation: History of international negotiation and where we stand today (Yasuko Kameyama, U Tokyo) This lecture covers how multilateral agreements on climate change were developed in the last 30 years, trend of greenhouse gas emissions in the past and future estimations, and policies implemented to reduce emissions. Lecture 4: Policy development toward decarbonized & sustainable society (Satoru Morishita, Ibaraki U) Policy development for realizing decarbonized & sustainable societies has been rapidly progressing on a national and global basis. Realization of decarbonized & sustainable societies requires innovative and holistic changes of existing technologies and systems in all sectors, leading to ensuring relevant industries competitiveness. Since such transitions require long-term financial support, the governments, including Japan, US and EU, have been setting up their comprehensive policy frameworks that encourage private sector to make investments for system changes. Among them, energy transition is the key. In other sectors, such as production, manufacturing and transport, enormous efforts are also on-going. Introduction of carbon pricing is the key driver for the development of decarbonized and sustainable societies. Lecture 5: Resilience (Thomas Elmqvist) T.B.A. →Continue to "Others"
This course consists of lectures by leading runners in SSC (former IR3S) partner universities and general discussion part. Lectures will be offered from each university through TV conference systems and this course is the required course of “Joint Educational Program of SSC (IR3S)”. This course will be offered in English. IR3S,SSCメンバー大学においてサステイナビリティ学の研究を牽引するトップランナーの研究者による講義を、遠隔講義システムで5大学を結んで実施する。SSC(旧IR3S)共同教育プログラム修了認定証取得のための必修科目とする。講義は英語でおこなう。
Class attendance is required. Group work and a presentation of the results will be assigned to all groups that will be formed in the class. A homework assignment will be given in the class. 必ず出席すること。講義の中でグループワークを行い、その結果をグループごとにプレゼンする。レポート課題を講義中に出題する。
Recommended to read the following reading materials for better understanding of the lecture contents.
<Recommended reading material> SDGs Progress Report 2020 https://unstats.un.org/***** Jianguo Liu et al. (2018) Nexus approaches to global sustainable development, Nature Sustainability Vol 1, pp.466-476. IPCC AR6 WGI, WGII, WGIII reports ‘Summary for policymakers’ Climate Change and Global Sustainability: A Holistic Approach (Sustainability science series), edited by Akimasa Sumi, Nobuo Mimura and Toshihiko Masui, ISBN 978‐9280811810 http://unu.edu/*****‐change‐and‐global‐sustainability‐a‐holistic‐approach.html#overview Hara K, Kitakaji Y, Sugino H, Yoshioka R, Takeda H, Hizen Y and Saijo T, Effects of Experiencing the Role of Imaginary Future Generations in Decision-Making - a Case Study of Participatory Deliberation in a Japanese Town, Sustainability Science, 16(3), 1001-1016, 2021 https://doi.org/***** Hara K, Yoshioka R., Kuroda M, Kurimoto S and Saijo T, Reconciling intergenerational conflicts with imaginary future generations - Evidence from a participatory deliberation practice in a municipality in Japan, Sustainability Science, 14(6), 1605-1619, 2019 https://doi.org/***** Saijo T (2020) Future design: bequeathing sustainable natural environments and sustainable societies to future generations. Sustainability 12(16):6467 https://www.mdpi.com/*****
Nothing special
June 8 (Saturday) Lecture 6: Towards the establishment of a sustainable and resilient society (Kazuhiko Takeuchi, IGES, U-Tokyo) This lecture highlights the importance of taking an integrated approach for tackling pressing global challenges such as achieving SDGs and mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss. Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere (Regional CES) concept will be explained as an important tool for implementing the integrated approach on the ground. Lecture 7: Future Design (Keishiro Hara, Osaka U) The fundamental challenge of sustainability issues lies in intergenerational conflicts. As unborn generations have neither a say nor way of negotiating with the current generation, it is no wonder that decisions made now under current social systems are based primarily on the interests of the current generation, creating problems, such as climate change and resources depletion. This lecture will introduce the new research field “Future Design '' that aims to deal with the fundamental challenge above, addressing how to design society and to make decisions taking into account the preference of future generations. Along with theoretical background and motivation, examples of participatory practices at local municipalities will be introduced, followed by discussion on how we could facilitate policy making while taking into account the interest of future generations. June 15 (Saturday) Group works and presentation. Group works Group work is designed to deepen the understanding of sustainability issues and future design. The group members will be shuffled by 4 university students. Students should present the result on the last day. The detailed instructions will be given by faculty members.