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Climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the most critical sustainability challenges facing humanity. Both can have major environmental and socioeconomic impacts, disrupting ecosystem functioning and increasing the vulnerability of human societies. Consequently, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity conservation have emerged as some of the major strategies and pathways to ensure global sustainability. Very different practical solutions and policy responses are designed and implemented globally depending on the local context to achieve these aims, usually orchestrated and influenced through multi-lateral environmental agreements (MEAs) such as the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) for climate change and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The aim of this lecture series will be to outline some of the critical elements and aspects of the current
debates on climate change and biodiversity loss, and the main narratives dominating these research,
policy and practice domains.
MIMA Search
アレクサンドロス ガスパラトス
A1 A2
Module A Lecture A1: Introduction on biodiversity loss (10 October) Lecture A2: Ecosystem services assessment (17 October) Lecture A3: Ecosystem services valuation 1 (24 October) Lecture A4: Ecosystem services valuation 2 (31 October) Lecture A5: Application for ecological restoration in China (7 November) Lecture A6: Application for ecological restoration in Chine (14 November) Lecture A7: Application for agricultural landscapes in Africa 1 (21 November) Lecture A8: Application for agricultural landscapes in Africa 2 (28 November) Lecture A1 introduces the main concepts relevant to biodiversity, ecosystem services and the main international policy framework. Lectures A2 introduce the main considerations when assessing ecosystem services, including the major observed trade-offs. Lectures A3-4 introduces the main biophysical, economic and indicator-based tools for valuing ecosystem services. It delves in the methodological and practical implications of selecting a specific tool, and the considerations for analysis. Lectures A5-8 put the main theoretical concepts introduced in the module and how they are utilized in real world contexts. This follows actual research projects related to ecosystem restoration in China (Large Xiamen Bay) and agricultural landscapes used for the production of biofuel feedstock (sugarcane, jatropha) in Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique and Swaziland. Module B Lecture B1: Introduction and overview of climate change (December 5) Lecture B2: Scientific basis of climate change (December 12) Lecture B3: Impacts of climate change (cont.) (December 19) Lecture B4: Mitigation of climate change and emerging issues (cont.) (December 26) Lecture B5: Student presentations and discussion (January 9) Lecture B6: Student presentations and discussion (cont.) (January 16) Lecture B7: Student presentations and discussion (cont.) (January 23) Lecture B1 gives an overview of climate change and main concepts. Lecture B2 covers the mechanism, observed evidence, and future projections of climate change. Lecture B3 reviews the impacts of climate change and adaptation options. Lecture B4 discusses mitigation options of climate change and emerging issues such as climate engineering (geoengineering). Lectures B5-7 are for student presentations and discussion (see below). Final exam: 30 January
Time: Tuesdays, 10.25 am - 12.10 pm (including exam) The lectures will in principle take place in hybrid format (in person + online) but this will be decided on a rolling basis. The in person element will take place in Kashiwa Campus, and the online element through Zoom software. The classroom details will be provided in autumn 2023. Students based in Kashiwa Campus are requested to the extent possible to attend in person.
Each module will account for 50% of the course grade. The grades will be decided through an exam (for Module A) and an exam and class presentation (for Module B). For Module A and B the students will take a JOINT exam on 30 January consisting of multiple choice questions (around 20 questions) and short essay questions (2 or 3 questions). The topics will be related to the material presented in the classroom and their critical analysis. Additionally, for Module B the students will be asked to review one of the recent high-level reviews, papers, or reports (to be decided by Lecture 2) and prepare presentations on Lectures 5-7 of Module B.
Module A TEEB. 2010. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and Economic Foundations. (P. Kumar, editor). Earthscan, London and Washington. Module B Nordhaus, W. D. (2013). The climate casino. Yale University Press.
Module A TEEB. 2010. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and Economic Foundations. (P. Kumar, editor). Earthscan, London and Washington. Module B Nordhaus, W. D. (2013). The climate casino. Yale University Press.
Registering students are kindly asked to contact upon registration Dr. Gasparatos to state whether they will take this course for credit or just attend. Email: *****