放射線リスクマネジメント学/ Management of Radiation Risk
1日目 2024年4月18日(木)1、2、5限(3コマ)
2日目 2024年4月19日(金)1-5限(5コマ)
3日目 2024年4月20日(土)1ー5限(5コマ)
The course will be presented in Japanese and discussed in Japanese. Students must have the communication skills to understand oral Japanese without the use of a translator.
The course treats radiation risk management studies as a practical science.
Starting with the recognition of the existence of hazards and risks, the students learn step-by-step methods for quantifying hazards and risks, i.e. radiation measurements and dose assessments, which provide the basic information for developing risk management strategies. On site, the numerical information obtained from measurements and assessments is used to develop specific plans for environmental safety measures. The historical background and construction process of the framework for safety assurance (radiation protection system) required at that time will be shown. The latest domestic and international topics and issues directly related to environmental systems will also be explained. Although some parts of the lectures in the course require knowledge of high school physics, consideration will be given to the explanations so that members of the humanities can also comfortably attend the lecture. All audiences interested in environmental safety management, especially radiation risk and response, are welcome.
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