Preparation material (not obligatory, will be handed out in class):
-Walters, DE, Walters GC. 2011. Scientists must speak. CRC Press, 2nd ed..
-Greenhalgh T. 2014. How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based medicine. Wiley Blackwell, 5th ed..
-Lang TA. 2010. How to write, publish and present in the health sciences. A guide for clinicians and laboratory researchers. ACP Press.
-Hall GM, Robinson N. 2012. How to present at meetings. Wiley Blackwell, 3rd ed..
-Stafford MD. 2012. Successful presentations: an interactive guide. Cencage Learning K.K.
-Barron JP, Ashida R. 2010. Thinking critically about healthcare issues. Macmillan Languagehouse Ltd.