HOME 学部前期課程 全学体験ゼミナール (🧬🐟🌳🐝身近な生命科学実習 / Molecular Biology in our daily lives)


全学体験ゼミナール (🧬🐟🌳🐝身近な生命科学実習 / Molecular Biology in our daily lives)

🧬🐟🌳🐝身近な生命科学実習 / Molecular Biology in our daily lives

本実習では、分子生物学的手法を用いたマグロ属に属する魚の種別判別実験の体験を通じて、1. 基礎的な実験スキル・考察方法習得、2. ニュースなどでもよく出てくるDNA、PCRといった生命科学用語・技術の理解を目的とする。

① 本実習内容の説明
② マグロからDNA抽出
③ 遺伝子増幅法(PCR法)によるDNAの増幅とDNA配列特異的切断酵素による切断
④ DNA断片を電気泳動により分離して検出
⑤ 得られたDNAのパターンからマグロの種別判別
⑥ サンガーシーケンス解析によるマグロの種別判別
⑦ 結果に関する発表および、ディスカッション
上記の既定の作業に加え、参加している学生各自の学習到達度・実験の進行度合いに個別に対応し、初心者でも理解可能なシンプルな課題を個人/グループに随時与える。Web 検索、過去のプリント集、生成AIを利用しても、答えは簡単には見つからない。各自/グループは、実験を自らデザインして各種の検討を行う必要もある。規定の実習の作業内容に追加するこの “考えるトレーニング” 、答えが確定していない課題に挑戦する体験、楽しみながら実習に取り組んで欲しい。

Day1 2024年8月1日(木)13:00〜18:00
Day2 2024年8月2日(金)13:00〜18:00
Day1* 2024年8月5日(月)13:00〜18:00
Day2* 2024年8月6日(火)13:00〜18:00
Day3 2024年8月7日(水)13:00〜18:00
Day4 2024年8月8日(木)13:00〜18:00
Day5 2024年8月9日(金)13:00〜18:00
◎Day6 2024年8月13日(月)13:00〜18:00


📧 *****

* Restricted only students who can participate in face-to-face classes
* Introduction to Molecular Biology Experiments
* Experiments a lot & "thinking training"
This course is essentially a six-day intensive course that provides the experimental experience equivalent to an introduction to molecular biology. The course is characterized by small class sizes that transcend the boundaries between the humanities and sciences, and by a class design that is as individualized as possible to create the best possible program. The practical training is divided into two main parts. In the first half, Part A, participants will learn basic techniques and concepts through experiments to identify fish species of the genus Tuna as a common subject. In the second half, Part B, participants will work on free assignments, building on what they learned in the first half. On the last day of the course, participants will make a presentation in the lab meeting style.
Participation in English will be handled on an individual basis. This is in order to propose the best-individualized schedule and program. For inquiries, please send an e-mail to the address below.
📧 *****
Schedule of the practical course
The lab will be open from Thursday, August 1, 2024, through Monday, August 13, 2024. During this period, actual attendance for 6 days is required for credit; a lab meeting-style presentation will be held on August 13 for all participants.
MIMA Search
全学体験ゼミナール (🧬🐟🌳🐝身近な生命科学実習 / Molecular Biology in our daily lives)
鹿島 勲
Aパート|基礎的な実験スキルと考え方の習得 ① 本実習内容の説明 ② マグロからDNA抽出 ③ 遺伝子増幅法(PCR法)によるDNAの増幅とDNA配列特異的切断酵素による切断 ④ DNA断片を電気泳動により分離して検出 ⑤ 得られたDNAのパターンからマグロの種別判別 ⑥ サンガーシーケンス解析によるマグロの種別判別 ⑦ 結果に関する発表および、ディスカッション Bパート|自由課題を通じた“考えるトレーニング” 上記の既定の作業に加え、参加している学生各自の学習到達度・実験の進行度合いに個別に対応し、初心者でも理解可能なシンプルな課題を個人/グループに随時与える。Web 検索、過去のプリント集、生成AIを利用しても、答えは簡単には見つからない。各自/グループは、実験を自らデザインして各種の検討を行う必要もある。規定の実習の作業内容に追加するこの “考えるトレーニング” 、答えが確定していない課題に挑戦する体験、楽しみながら実習に取り組んで欲しい。 ===En=== ━━━━━━━━━━━ Part A|Acquiring basic experimental skills and thinking ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ Classifying tuna (sushi, fillet, block) by taste and shape is complicated unless you are a fish expert. So how can we accurately and reproducibly identify the different types of tuna? In this exercise, you will first receive tuna fillets or sushi as specimens. Next, the tuna will be analyzed using molecular biological techniques to determine the type of tuna. Finally, you will give a mini-presentation on the results obtained in this course. This course is designed to (1) master basic experimental skills and discussion methods, and (2) understand life science terminology and methods, such as DNA and PCR, which are often discussed in the daily news. Perform DNA extraction, amplification by PCR, DNA sequencing by Sanger sequencing method, and sequence analysis from tuna fillets or blocks. The final DNA sequence information obtained is compared with known tuna sequences by database reference. Based on the results, students will discuss which species of tuna genus they were given the fillets and present the results discussed in a lab meeting style. General flow Explanation of the contents of this course DNA extraction from tuna specimen DNA amplification by PCR Electrophoresis of the DNA fragments and detection Sequencing of PCR products by Sanger sequencing method Identification of tuna species based on the sequencing results Presentation and discussion ━━━━━━━━━━━ Part B|"Thinking Training" by free subject. ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ In addition to the above flow, individuals/groups are given simple assignments that even beginners can understand, with individualized attention to the participating students’ learning achievement and experimental progress. We cannot easily find the answer by searching the Web/Generative AI, browsing past print collections. Also, each student/group needs to design and conduct various experiments. “Thinking training” will be added to the work content of the prescribed practical flow, the experience of challenging tasks for which the answers are not fixed. We hope that you will enjoy your stay on this course. 💡#DIYbiology #MakerMovement ━━━━━━━━━━━
下記に挙げる授業方法・形態で実施する予定である。作業内容や課題に関しては、随時変更する可能性がある。実験作業は、担当教員が学生に対して個別に対応してサポートする。 ・講義:実習背景・目的・方法の説明を教員が行う。(全体|対面) ・実験ノートの記入:各自実験ノートを記入する。実習期間内、毎日作業終了後に担当教員がノートを確認・試問を行う。(個人|対面) ・実験作業:各自個別のサンプルを扱う。(個人|対面) ・課題回答:各自課題に回答する。他の学生とグループを作って回答してもよい。また、実習室にあるMac/PC/Googleflex、各自のノートパソコンやモバイル端末を用いてオンライン図書館等を積極的に利用して構わない。(個人もしくは、グループ|対面およびオンライン指導) ・実験結果考察:各自個別のサンプルの実験結果について考える。他の学生とグループを作って回答してもよい。また、実習室にあるMac/PC/Googleflex、各自のノートパソコン、モバイル端末にてオンライン図書館等を積極的に利用して構わない。(個人もしくは、グループ|対面およびオンライン指導) ・自由課題実験計画・遂行:各自個別に自由課題に関して、教員とGoogle Docsを用いて相談しながら進める。(個人|対面およびオンライン指導) ・ミニプレゼンテーション:各自個別のサンプルの実験結果・考察について発表する。フォーマルなプレゼン用資料の作成は必要ない。生データを張り付けた実験ノートを用いてラボミーティング形式でプレゼンを行う。オンライン参加者はZoom上から、実験ノート、発表者および会場の映像・音声の情報を共有し、発表会に参加することができる。(全体|ハイフレックス対応) ===En=== The class will be conducted in A to F class methods and forms. The laboratory staff will individually do experimental work as needed. A. Lecture [all] The teacher will give explanations. B. Writing experiment notes [Individual] Each student will fill in the experiment notebook. In addition, each student must write their laboratory notebook, which the instructor will check and examine after each day of work. You can choose from the designated paper notebook or electronic notebook PDF. C. Experimental work [individual] Handle each sample. D. Assignment: Try ADVES Problem Book [individual or group] Depending on the progress of the experimental work, assignments will be given to deepening your understanding of the practical work and "thinking training". You may answer the ADVES Problem Book individually or in a group with other students. Students are encouraged to use the PCs/Macs in the lab, their own PCs/Macs/Linux/Chromebooks, mobile devices, and the library on the Komaba campus. E. Discussion [Individual] You may consider the experiment results individually or in a group with other students. However, it is recommended that you use the PC/Mac/Google flex in the lab, your own PC/Mac/Linux/Chromebook or mobile terminal, or the library in the Komaba campus. F. Lab meeting style presentation [individual or group] Each student will present the experimental results and discussion of their sample. No editing of raw data or preparation of presentation materials is required. Instead, project the experiment notes on the screen using an overhead projector and share the results wants online participants. The experiments will be conducted in a face-to-face classroom, but for this F, participation in a hybrid format (face-to-face + online) is possible. (1) Take lab notes using a writing camera or smartphone camera and share them with students in person or online. When viewers see the unedited data, they learn the importance of sharing it with their colleagues. The likelihood that they will notice mistakes you have not yet made increases dramatically, and you can get great advice. (2) Make your slides (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, PDF) look more formal. By omitting unnecessary data, you can impress your audience with only the points you want to emphasize. Also, an audience unfamiliar with the content may find a leaner presentation format easier to understand. Keep in mind, however, that even if you draw the wrong conclusion, no one will notice it if you have insufficient data. If you are prepared to show the original data immediately, you are more likely to get the right advice. 💡These are two different basic skills that are needed to maintain balance and perform better in an academic setting.
㋑出席、㋺実験ノートの提出、㋩課題の提出、㊁プレゼンテーションにより評価する。※安全管理上、レクチャーを受講しない学生は実験に参加することはできない。詳細は、ガイダンス時に確認すること。 ===En=== Grading for this practical training will be done as follows. A grade of 80% or higher is required to pass the course and receive credit. For safety reasons, students who have not attended the lecture will not be allowed to participate in the experiment. ─────────────── Attendance Lecture 10 Attendance Experiments 20 Submission of experiment notes 50 Submission of assignment answers and proposals 10 Presentation 10 ─────────────── Total 100
少人数制による個別最適なスケジュール・プログラム実施を本授業の特色の一つとしている。定員10名まで。希望者多数の場合は抽選を行う。ガイダンスに出席できない学生は、必ず ***** へ連絡すること。 ===En=== This class features a small class size for optimal individualized scheduling and program implementation. The maximum number of students is 10. If there are too many applicants, students will be selected by random drawing. Students interested in participating in this program should schedule a guidance appointment as soon as possible at the email address below.