全学体験ゼミナール (英語で拓く工学世界への扉 / Opening the Gateway to the World of Engineering in English) (英語で拓く工学世界への扉 / Opening the Gateway to the World of Engineering
英語で拓く工学世界への扉 / Opening the Gateway to the World of Engineering in English
1. 授業内容
本ゼミナールは講義+ワークショップで構成されるContent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL; 内容言語統合型学習)型の授業です。
2. 目的
世界への扉を拓くのに不可欠な英語力、異文化間能力(intercultural competence)を習得し、工学の分野での世界展開に興味を持ってもらうこと、リンガ・フランカ(Lingua Franca; 共通語)としての英語に触れることを目的としています。
3. 授業の特徴
※1. このゼミは4月8日(月)6限(18:45~)にZoomで行われる工学部合同説明会への参加を予定しています。 ZoomのURLは後日UTAS掲示板のお知らせにて周知いたします。
※2. 履修者の上限は25人です。履修希望者が25人の上限を超えた場合、授業初日に行うアンケートの内容を考慮し、2週目の授業までに教員が選抜し、その結果をメールします。
In this seminar, we will have the privilege of listening to lectures by guest speakers who have engaged in study, research, and technical development outside of Japan and/or who are experts of language acquisition and international negotiation. These lecturers will be conducted in English. We will discuss their success stories as well as challenges they have faced in establishing their international career. The class will also cover a wide range of topics, such as effective strategies for managing international negotiations, approaches to learning a second language strategically, and guidance on writing a resume/CV, composing emails, and delivering presentations in English. Through engaging in these activities, students will acquire essential English skills that will help them "open the gateway to the world of engineering." They will also gain a deeper understanding of engineering and its global development.
It is important to note that English will be the primary language used throughout the seminar, and students are expected to communicate with the instructor and guest speakers in English.
*If you are interested in taking this class, please attend the guidance via Zoom on April 8th (Mon) in the 6th period.
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