HOME 学部前期課程 国際研修 (Planetary Health (Japan/Thailand) プラネタリーヘルス 日本・タイ研修 )


国際研修 (Planetary Health (Japan/Thailand) プラネタリーヘルス 日本・タイ研修 )

Global Praxis: Planetary Health (Japan/Thailand) プラネタリーヘルス 日本・タイ研修

ガイダンス日程:4月12日(水) 12:15-12:50
ガイダンス詳細はGlobal Komaba site(https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/*****)に掲載していますので、ご覧ください。

The rapid growth of the global population, in tandem with a significant increase in per capita consumption, has had a detrimental impact on the Earth's ecosystems, resulting in various anthropogenic environmental changes. These changes include shifts in biodiversity, altered biogeochemical flows, changes in land use and land cover, global pollution, climate change, and depletion of natural resources. Unfortunately, these environmental changes have severe consequences on human health, jeopardizing decades of public health progress. These consequences include a reduction in global food production, heightened exposure to emerging infectious diseases, and increased risk from natural hazards.
To address these complex issues, the field of “Planetary Health (formally called One Health)” has emerged as a relatively new interdisciplinary practice. The aim of planetary health is to understand the impacts of human-environment interactions and the implications of environmental changes for human health and nutrition.
This course is designed to build on previous courses on global health, including Introduction to Global Health (Japan), Global Health Dialogue Seminar Series, Global Health Introductory Fieldwork (USA), and Global Health, Peace, Equity, and Social Justice (Nagasaki), offered throughout the 2022 academic year. It is an experiential and comparative global praxis program opening for both undergraduate and graduate students are concerned about the issues mentioned above and intend to take actions to change the situation. Students will learn about global health issues with a planetary health mindset and engage in dialogue with local community members, policy and programme level practitioners, and field experts in Thailand and Japan. The program is an international experiential training program that will provide students with invaluable hands-on experience in the field.

Course Objectives are:
1) To provide an understanding of how human activities, such as deforestation, land-use conversion, urbanization, human migration, international commerce, and climate change, have resulted in changes in the structure and function of natural systems that cause environmental changes. Additionally, the course will examine how these changes have impacted various dimensions of human health outcomes.

2)To describe, critically analyze, and compare evidence-based, targeted, and sustainable adaptation and mitigation strategies, as well as policy-based solutions, that have been adopted in Japan and Thailand to address health disparities related to environmental changes and climate change and social vulnerability. This analysis will focus on issues of inequity and social injustice.



MIMA Search
国際研修 (Planetary Health (Japan/Thailand) プラネタリーヘルス 日本・タイ研修 )
佐藤 みどり
Tentative Course Dates/Contents Students are expected to attend fully the all three components of the course:(コースに参加する学生は、下記の全てのPar1,,2, 3のセッションに参加すること) Travel schedule is subject to change (スケジュールは仮日程です。今後変更の可能性があります) Part I) Pre-field work seminars (weekdays evening 19:00-20:30 sessions) 1-2 times per month between April-July Part II) Programme in Thailand (6nights 7 days, tentative date 1st-2nd week August) In this training course, participants will learn about the implementation status of government policies and plans on Thailand's climate change measures. Students will attend relevant classes/seminars on the impact of climate warming on Thai people's health, and will conduct field work/field study. They will also visit and meet practitioners involved in health crisis prevention, preparedness and response, health policy research institutes generating planetary health research, partners such as JICA, UN, ADBs/ and other stakeholders assisting the government. and talk to program leaders who are active in improving national health policies and supporting systems, such as NPOs that are developing citizen movements.Thematic topics covered in the Thailand course topics are: Climate Change, Water scarcity, urbanization, natural disaster and disaster management, pollution, infectious disease, mental health, and nutrition through: 1) University campus visit, student exchange 2) Host school's class participation 3) Fieldwork 4) Cross-cultural activities Part III) Programme (Field work) in Amami Island, Japan (tentative dates: week of August 20th) During this short field experiential training, students will visit one of the remote island of Japan and learn current health and environmental issues. The program is not yet decided, but some of the key topics covered during the visits are: -Disease ecology in the island (land use, vector borne disease, zoonotic disease) -Climate change and impact on wildlife habitats -Climate impact on agriculture, ocean pollution -Climate impact on fisheries threatening the nutritional adequacy and health of people -Infectious disease, Mental health, aging care, climate resilience -Health crisis management (Disaster preparedness, prevention and response) and vulnerable populations
Language: This course will be conducted in English. 授業は全て英語で行う。 ・ Google Classroom will be used course assignments, communications ・ Self Reflection will be used as a tool to document their observations, experiences, and for self-analysis, reflections, which will be shared among the groups, and consolidated towards the formulation of the final project. Approach: Throughout the course, students will engage in diverse materials from many types of examples of planetary health research, field work practices, dialogue with on the ground/field level practitioners. It will cover various Global Health issues, from nutrition and mental health, to infectious and non-communicable diseases linking them with planetary science. Using an experiential learning and case-study (comparing Thailand and Japan) approach, we hope to tease out common themes around how changes in natural systems and environment lead to impacts on various dimensions of human health and nutrition. As we learn through case studies in Thailand and Japan, students will be engaged in active discussion and reflection and deeper understanding of materials covered through dialogue and discussions. Experiential Learning Fieldwork: This training, which will be held in Tokyo and Nagasaki, will apply experiential field learning methods through which the learnings are created through a continuous and cyclical process of the transformation of experiences and reflections (self and group). The central part of the course is to learn Global Health, Social Justice and Peace-related issues in contemporary society from the perspectives of a) the present and past from the vertical axis of history, religion and culture in Nagasaki, b) inter and multi disciplinary perspective brought from various faculty members and students themselves, and c) the horizontal axis viewing what happened/is happening in Nagasaki in the context of World and Global Community now and then. このコースでは、プラネタリーヘルス研究、二つのケーススタディを行うフィールドワークにおける実践、現場レベルの実践者との対話やリアルフィールドでの体験・視察など、様々なタイプの教材に触れ、体験することができます。保健、栄養、精神衛生、感染症、NCDなど、グローバルヘルスに関する様々な問題をプラネタリーサイエンスと結びつけて考えます。体験学習とケーススタディ(タイと日本の比較)の両方のアプローチ融合することで、自然システムや環境の変化が、人間の健康や栄養の様々な側面にどのような影響を与えるのか、共通のテーマを見出しこれらの問題に向かい合う私たちの指針にしたいと考えています。タイと日本でのケーススタディを通じて学習しながら、対話と議論を通じて、生徒が積極的に学び、問いをたて、観察し、現場・ローカルの人々と議論を行い、それらについて振り返りや考察を行うことにより、取り上げた教材の理解を深めていきます。
For most of the students it will be Pass/Fail Japan training, Seminar (June-July) attendance, Field training participation (Island in Southern Japan) assigned readings, essay assignment (35%) Thailand training Field Work participation (35%) Final Report/Project (30%) The evaluation criteria for GS students and those who intend to register as GS subjects are as follows. A. "People who are GS students and take courses as GS courses" →5 level assessments: "Excellent / Excellent / Good / Possible / Impossible" B. "People who are GS students but take courses as Global Praxis courses" → "Pass / Fail" C. "People who are not registered in GS but are going to take it as GS course" → "Excellent / Excellent / Good / Possible / Impossible" 国際研修科目として履修する人は合否で判断します。 事前セミナーへの参加日本研修、タイ研修への完全参加、Google Classroomを通じた授業外ディスカッションや課題提出などの参加等から総合的に判断します 日本離島研修および事前セミナー(6-7月の間に数回実施予定)への出席、現地研修参加(南日本の島)課題図書、小論文(35%) タイ研修 フィールドワーク参加(35%) 最終レポート・プロジェクト(30%) GS生やGS科目として登録しようとする人の評価基準は以下の通りです。 A.「GS生で、科目履修もGS科目として履修する人」 → 「優上・優・良・可・不可」 B. 「GS生ではあるが、国際研修科目として履修する人」 → 「合否」で C. 「GSに登録していないがGS科目として履修しようとする人」→ 「優上・優・良・可・不可」
Eligibility: Max 10 students The course is intended for the 2nd-4th year students and graduate school students who have taken intermediate level courses in global health and/or equivalent natural and social sciences. Those students who have not taken any global health will be requested to review Global Health on-demand materials prior to the course. All prospective students must submit a 4 paragraph essay explaining their motivation and previous experiences in relevant fields for taking the course prior to receiving a position in the class. Send the application essay to ***** by midnight on April24, 2023. Notification of interviews (2nd step) will be provided after one week. (Very few first-year students can take the course if they have a strong interest and have taken at least two GH courses.) Please make sure to participate in the guidance scheduled in April. The course is open for ・ Junior (2nd and above) /Senior students from any department/divisions ・ PEAK/PEAK EA /GS/GSA/GGG students ・ USTEP/KOMSTEP exchange students ・ Graduate School Students/ GPEAK, Graduate School Students 対象者: 参加者数10名まで このコースは、グローバルヘルス関連科目および同等の自然・社会科学系科目の中級レベルの科目を履修した2年生から4年生および大学院生(ごく少数の1年生でも強い興味とGHコースを2つ以上受講経験があれば受講可)を対象としています。プラネタリーヘルス/グローバルヘルス分野の授業を履修したことがない学生は、グローバルヘルスの過去の授業オンデマンド教材を事前に学習していただきます。 受講希望者は、受講の動機と関連分野におけるこれまでの経験を説明する4段落のエッセイを提出する必要があります。エッセイは、2023年4月24日午前0時までに、***** までお送りください。面接(2次選考)については、1週間後に通知します。グローバルヘルス、環境科学、食糧と栄養、獣医学などに興味のある学生(各学科、USTEPからの参加も可)を歓迎します。詳細はガイダンスの際にご案内いたします。4月に開催されるガイダンス(4月12日(水) 12:15-12:50)に必ずご参加ください。ガイダンスのZoomURLは、Global Komaba site(https://www.globalkomaba.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/*****)に掲載していますので、ご覧ください。
Course coordinator holds a Doctorate of Public Health degree (Dr.PH) from the University of London (LSHTM), UK and Master of Public Health from Boston University, USA. As a Global Public Health Specialist she worked for UNICEF country offices and other agencies over 20+ years in generating research evidence to influence health systems and policy reforms, and implementing health interventions (i.e. HIV, Malaria, Immunization, newborn child health etc..) in South Asia, Middle East, and Africa.