HOME 大学院 サステイナビリティと農学 (Sustainability and Agricultural Sciences)


サステイナビリティと農学 (Sustainability and Agricultural Sciences)

Agricultural science is known as the science of life and livelihood. The objects of agricultural sciences are matters of lives of students, whether food, land or weather. In this course, students will learn to know agricultural problems and challenges particularly topics of crop production in a manner that students themselves are inquired, whether their choices of food or life style or technologies of agriculture. “Sustainability” has become a popular word among people, such as SDGs, and it will be easy to quote the definition and explain it. In this course, students will focus on expressing and interpreting the foreign word "sustainability" in their own words of their cultural background. This course is a master's course lecture of IPADS which attract diverse students from different countries and regions with different agricultural experiences. The mutual interactions among the students may broaden understandings of agricultural diversity. Rather than focusing on a specific discipline, this course is designed to broaden students’ horizons for developing their thoughts and to facilitate interactions with other students.
Course Objectives 目的
・Widening to recognize agricultural diversity including students' experiences 農の多様性
・Defining "sustainability" and articulating usingTo be able to list 10 or more examples of agricultTo be able to list 10 or more examples of agricults;
② To be able to explain the historical development of agricultural sciences;
③ To be able to explain sustainability, sustainable development, and SDGs with references to world situations from 1980's;
④ To be able to explain the outline of the systems of agricultural sciences in Japan;
⑤ To be able to explain the relationship between social justice and sustainability;
⑥ To be able to evaluate and analyze traditional techniques such as irrigation development and participatory cultivar selection from the perspective of sustainability and stakeholders and propose the improvement plans;
⑦ To be able to explain the overriding influences of conflicts on agricultural sustainability, interrelationship between agricultural and military technologies, and possible path from conflict, to reconciliation and peace-building;
⑧ To be able to explain futurology and eschatology and apply them to envision the future of agriculture;
⑨ To be able to evaluate and analyze biotechnology and smart agriculture as cutting-edge technologies from the perspective of sustainability;
⑩ To be able to explain the ethics of agriculture,
Based on the achievement goals of ①~⑩, the following goals should also be achieved.
⑪ To be able to express and generally characterize agriculture that has a special feeling for students;
⑫ To be able to explain what sustainability means to students' lives;
⑬ To be able to explain the relationship between students' world view and their vision for the future of agriculture;
⑭ To be able to list new findings in agriculture, sustainability, technologies after attending this course;
⑮ To be able to state how students themselves were inspired by the ethics of agriculture;
⑯To be able to criticize and ask questions about other students' ideas.
MIMA Search
サステイナビリティと農学 (Sustainability and Agricultural Sciences)
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A2 W
Schedule 授業計画 1. Syllabus explanation, agricultural diversity シラバス説明、農の多様性について 2. A brief history of agricultural sciences 農学小史 3. Overview of sustainability サスティナビリティ序論 4. Systems of agricultural sciences 農学体系 5. Fairness 公正さ 6. Traditional techniques 1 伝統的な技術 7. Traditional technique 2 8. Conflict and peacebuilding 紛争と平和構築 9. Futurology and Eschatology 未来学と終末論(エスカトロジー) 10. Advanced technology 1 先端的技術 11. Advanced technology 2 12. Advanced technology 3 13. Agricultural ethics 1 農の倫理 14. Agricultural Ethics 2, presentation
In this course, students will learn a short history and outline of agricultural sciences, and the overview of the term of sustainability. Students will also learn examples of production technology, from traditional to cutting-edge. New knowledge is effectively learned by quiz and report. The lecture topics are reflected on as linked with students standpoints as much as possible, and ideas of students will become clearer by presentation, question-and-answer session, and group work. Stakeholder analysis, role-plays, thought experiments, and video discussions are also used to advance learning. Lecture materials will be distributed through UTOL..
(1)Achievement of the goals ① to ⑯ is evaluated by quiz or assignments. Evaluation of the assignments is based on rubrics (contents will be explained later). A perfect score of 300. ②, ④, ⑤, ⑯ 10 points, ①, ③, ⑦, ⑧, ⑩~⑮ 20 points, ⑥, ⑨ 30 points (2) Attendance less than 3/4 is not allowed ➀ To be able to list 10 or more examples of agriculture with references to students' experiences showing the diversity of agriculture and to group them with appropriate reasons (A; 20); ② To be able to explain the historical development of agricultural sciences (Q; 10); ③ To be able to explain sustainability, sustainable development, and SDGs with references to world situations from 1980's (A; 20); ④ To be able to explain the outline of the systems of agricultural sciences in Japan (Q; 10); ⑤ To be able to explain the relationship between social justice and sustainability (A; 10); ⑥ To be able to evaluate and analyze traditional techniques such as irrigation development and participatory cultivar selection from the perspective of sustainability and stakeholders and propose the improvement plans (30); ⑦ To be able to explain the overriding influences of conflicts on agricultural sustainability, interrelationship between agricultural and military technologies, and possible path from conflict, to reconciliation and peace-building (A; 20); ⑧ To be able to explain futurology and eschatology and apply them to envision the future of agriculture (A; 20); ⑨ To be able to evaluate and analyze biotechnology and smart agriculture as cutting-edge technologies from the perspective of sustainability (A; 30); ⑩ To be able to explain the ethics of agriculture (A; 20), ⑪ To be able to express and generally characterize agriculture that has a special feeling for students (A; 20); ⑫ To be able to explain what sustainability means to students' lives (A; 20); ⑬ To be able to explain the relationship between students' world view and their vision for the future of agriculture (A; 20); ⑭ To be able to list new findings in agriculture, sustainability, technologies after attending this course (A; 20); ⑮ To be able to state how students themselves were inspired by the ethics of agriculture (A; 20); ⑯ To be able to criticize and ask questions about other students' ideas (10).
Not determined. Lecture materials will be distributed through UTOL etc.
(1) Bible and Ecology : rediscovering the community of creation (by Richard Bauckham, Sarum theological lectures, Darton Longman & Todd, 2021) 邦訳 聖書とエコロジー  創られたものすべての共同体を再発見する (いのちのことば社) 2022 (2) 農本思想から読み解く半農半Xと心根のありか / 宇根豊 「半農半X : これまで・これから 」2021(塩見直紀ほか) (3) Diffusion of Innovations (fifth edition E.M. Rogers, 2003) 邦訳 イノベーションの普及 " (4) Agricultural Ethics - An Invitation (Robert L. Zimdahl, 2019) (5) 「アジアの生物資源環境学」(アジア生物資源環境研究センター編、2013年、東京大学出版会)、序文、第1章、第9章 農業生産システムを選択する――地域農学の視点.
Bachelor's degree required. 学士号必須 Recommended for students interested in sustainability and agriculture. 「サスティナビリティ」、「農」に関心のある学生に勧めます Through this course, students will be able to broaden and deepen their understanding of sustainability and agriculture, and expand their inclusiveness to diverse perspectives. For students who aspire to become specialists who will play a leading role in the development of agricultural science and technology in the future, as well as for students who will be members of the general public, the course will foster senses for sound decision makings and enhance capability of their works and lives as supported by agricultural ethics. It should be useful for demonstrating good leadership and followership within each group. この講義を通して、サスティナビリティと農学に対する見識を広げて深めてゆき、多様な見方への包摂力を拡げてゆくことができる。将来、農学の科学技術の発展を担ってゆく専門家を志向する学生にとっても、一般市民として関わってゆく学生にとっても、健全な判断をするための素養を養い、農の倫理に支えられた仕方で、それぞれの仕事や生活を変化させてゆくことが期待できる。学生の立ち位置によって、それぞれのグループの中での良いリーダーシップや、フォローワーシップを発揮するのに役に立つはずである。 Submission of several assignments are required based on the contents of the lecture 講義内容に即して課題が課せられる On-line and/or at Tanashi campus (本館会議室206) Office hour オフィッスアワー 火・水13:00-14:00 木・金11:00-12:00 事前にアポを取って活用ください。質問・相談を歓迎します。 Tuesday/Wednesday 13:00-14:00, Thursday/Friday 11:00-12:00 Please make an appointment in advance. We welcome questions and consultations. UTASに履修希望登録すること。 Register to take the course in UTAS..
English If the course is open in 2024, it will be announced by 1 September 2024. The Day 1 lecture will be held as orientation by on-line/face-to-face. The first lecture date and time; 8:30 - 10:15, October 4, 2024. 授業のZoom URLを公開することは禁止します。 ・講義の内容や資料は、講師や第三者の著作物です。本講義では、自身の学習目的でのスクリーンショット撮影、録画や録音等は認めますが、それらを許可なくSNSで共有したり、別のウェブサイト等にアップロードすることは禁止します。 ・インターラクティブナ形式の授業になりますが、ルールを守って、積極的に参加してください。 ・Publishing the class Zoom URL is prohibited. ・The contents and materials of the lectures are the works of the lecturers and third parties. In this lecture, you are allowed to take screenshots, record, and record for your own learning purposes, but you are prohibited from sharing them on SNS or uploading them to another website without permission. ・This is an interactive class, but please follow the rules and participate actively. The graphic syllabus is to be explained in the 1st lecture. Students first consider the diversity of agriculture. Next students learn a short academic history and systems of agricultural sciences, examples of traditional and advanced technologies (blue line), while learning a short history of sustainability and SDGs, social justice, conflict and its solution, the future and the end time (orange line), and finally express agricultural ethics. Agriculture is also known as the science of life. Would you like to learn more about agricultural perspectives including yourself as well as its scientific missions for food and land problems in local and global societies?