サステイナビリティと農学 (Sustainability and Agricultural Sciences)
Agricultural science is known as the science of life and livelihood. The objects of agricultural sciences are matters of our lives, whether food, land or weather. Every student is a stakeholder of agriculture. In this course, students will learn to know agricultural problems and challenges in a manner that students themselves are inquired, whether their choices of food or life style or technologies of agriculture.
“Sustainability” has become a popular word among people, such as SDGs. It is not difficult to quote the definition and explain it. In this course, students will learn implication of technologies from sustainability, including social aspect. Students will express and interpret the foreign word "sustainability" in their own words of their cultural background.
The mutual interactions among the students may broaden understandings of agricultural diversity. Rather than focusing on a specific discipline, this course is designed to broaden students’ horizons for developing their thoughts and to facilitate interactions with other students.
Course Objectives 目的
・Widening to recognize agricultural diversity including students' experiences
・Defining "sustainability" and articulating using their own words
① To be able to list 10 or more examples of agriculture;
② To be able to explain the historical development of agricultural sciences;
③ To be able to explain sustainability, sustainable development, and SDGs with references to world situations from 1980's;
④ To be able to explain the outline of the systems of agricultural sciences;
⑤ To be able to explain the relationship between social justice and sustainability;
⑥ To be able to evaluate and analyze traditional technologies such as irrigation development and participatory cultivar selection from the perspective of sustainability and stakeholders and propose the improvement plans;
⑦ To be able to explain the overriding influences of conflicts on agricultural sustainability, interrelationship between agricultural and military technologies, and possible path from conflict, to reconciliation and peace-building;
⑧ To be able to explain futurology and eschatology and apply them to envision the future of agriculture;
⑨ To be able to evaluate and analyze biotechnology, smart agriculture, microbiomes as cutting-edge technologies from the perspective of sustainability;
⑩ To be able to explain the ethics of agriculture,
Based on the achievement goals of ①~⑩, the following goals should also be achieved.
⑪ To be able to express and generally characterize agriculture that has a special feeling for students;
⑫ To be able to explain what sustainability means to students' lives;
⑬ To be able to explain the relationship between students' world view and their vision for the future of agriculture;
⑭ To be able to list new findings in agriculture, sustainability, technologies after attending this course;
⑮ To be able to state how students themselves were inspired by the ethics of agriculture;
⑯To be able to criticize and ask questions about other students' ideas.
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