Intensive 2-day in-person lecture. The specific dates are 2/3 and 2/4, 2025.
The lecture will be conducted by using presentation slides. The lecture materials will be uploaded on ITC-LSM.
******** IMPORTANT NOTICE ***************************************************************************************************
(A) Please watch the following video before the **first** day.*****
(B) By the midnight of the day **before** each class day, students are required to submit a 3-page memo via ITC-LMS. The memo should be written in **English**, and it should include two things for each of the three papers below: 1) summary (topic, data, method, finding etc) , and 2) your comments on and questions about them. You will be asked to present your thoughts about these papers in class. Late submissions will be accepted but their grade will be discounted 30% each day.
These two memos together amount to 50% of the grade.
Three papers for the first memo (due 12am on the first class day):
Three papers for the second memo (due 12am on the second class day):