Bioresource Sciences for Asia
Bioresource Sciences for Asia アジア生物資源学特論
Considering the rapid advancement in science and technology targeting living organisms as bioresources, with both potentials and unknown risks, together with the complex characteristics of modern societies, this course provides the following benefits to students.
1. Asian perspectives アジアの視点
"Asia" is a region in which the achievements of science and technology are expected to be applied, but optimal methods of bioresources management in Japan may not be so in the other regions in the world. Asia is a diverse region with its own unique history and culture, and the perspective of "diversity" is essential. In this course, students can broaden their horizons not only in Japan but also overseas, including the Asian region.
2. Hierarchy of bioresource sciences 生物資源学の階層
In this lecture, we will focus on cultivating a scientific understanding of each bioresource and grasping various examples of the use of bioresources. Students will learn an introduction to bioresource sciences with an emphasis on the areas of crop production and environmental restoration through understanding organisms at the hierarchical structure of gene/cell level, plant level, and ecosystem level. Students will also learn the use of "bioresources" in the community and society.
3. Graduate students 大学院生向け(修士、博士もOK)
This course is intended for beginners to more experienced graduate students (mainly for master program of AEBio but other department and PhD program can be relevant both for overseas and Japanese students). It is very useful for students who are involved in research such as surveys and experiments on bioresources. It is also an opportunity to review his/her own research topic from a different perspective. Through this lecture, students will acquire knowledge about bioresources and deepen their understandings. Regarding the use of bioresources, each student is interested in a wide variety of organisms, and there may be various ways of thinking about their use as resources. while providing opportunities for mutual learning.
4. Recommendations 推奨
Through this course, students can deepen their insight into biological resources and broaden their inclusiveness to diverse viewpoints. For students who aspire to become specialists who will be responsible for the development of science and technology for bioresources in the future, and for students who will be involved as members of the general public, this lecture will cultivate the sense for making sound decisions. It should be useful for demonstrating good leadership and followership within each group.
Course Objectives 目的
The objective of the course is that students will foster scientific understandings of bioresources from genetic and organism levels to higher hierarchy of ecosystem and regional levels including the aspect of utilization of bioresources with emphasis on Asia.
7 Goals 目標
➀To be able to give three examples of bioresources and explain the diversity and hierarchy that are the characteristics of living things;
②To be able to explain "genome editing" and "smart agriculture" with relation to bioresources as examples of technological innovations resulting from rapid advancement in biological science and information sciences;
③To be able to explain issues related to genetic development of bioresources (to be presented at a later date);
④To be able to give two specific examples and explain the differences in the use of bioresources due to differences in the natural and social conditions of countries and regions;
⑤To be able to evaluate the Green Revolution from multiple perspectives as an example of technological innovation of bioresources in the past;
⑥To be able to apply and explain dissemination theory to innovations related to bioresources;
⑦To be able to constructively criticize and ask questions about other students' understanding of bioresources.
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