HOME 大学院 Bioresource Sciences for Asia


Bioresource Sciences for Asia

Bioresource Sciences for Asia アジア生物資源学特論 Overview: Considering the rapid advancement in science and technology targeting living organisms as bioresources, with both potentials and unknown risks, together with the complex characteristics of modern societies, this course provides the following benefits to students. 1. Asian perspectives アジアの視点 "Asia" is a region in which the achievements of science and technology are expected to be applied, but optimal methods of bioresources management in Japan may not be so in the other regions in the world. Asia is a diverse region with its own unique history and culture, and the perspective of "diversity" is essential. In this course, students can broaden their horizons not only in Japan but also overseas, including the Asian region. 2. Hierarchy of bioresource sciences 生物資源学の階層 In this lecture, we will focus on cultivating a scientific understanding of each bioresource and grasping various examples of the use of bioresources. Students will learn an introduction to bioresource sciences with an emphasis on the areas of crop production and environmental restoration through understanding organisms at the hierarchical structure of gene/cell level, plant level, and ecosystem level. Students will also learn the use of "bioresources" in the community and society. 3. Graduate students 大学院生向け(修士、博士もOK) This course is intended for beginners to more experienced graduate students (mainly for master program of AEBio but other department and PhD program can be relevant both for overseas and Japanese students). It is very useful for students who are involved in research such as surveys and experiments on bioresources. It is also an opportunity to review his/her own research topic from a different perspective. Through this lecture, students will acquire knowledge about bioresources and deepen their understandings. Regarding the use of bioresources, each student is interested in a wide variety of organisms, and there may be various ways of thinking about their use as resources. while providing opportunities for mutual learning. 4. Recommendations 推奨 Through this course, students can deepen their insight into biological resources and broaden their inclusiveness to diverse viewpoints. For students who aspire to become specialists who will be responsible for the development of science and technology for bioresources in the future, and for students who will be involved as members of the general public, this lecture will cultivate the sense for making sound decisions. It should be useful for demonstrating good leadership and followership within each group.
Course Objectives 目的
The objective of the course is that students will foster scientific understandings of bioresources from genetic and organism levels to higher hierarchy of ecosystem and regional levels including the aspect of utilization of bioresources with emphasis on Asia.

7 Goals 目標
➀To be able to give three examples of bioresources and explain the diversity and hierarchy that are the characteristics of living things; 
②To be able to explain "genome editing" and "smart agriculture" with relation to bioresources as examples of technological innovations resulting from rapid advancement in biological science and information sciences;
③To be able to explain issues related to genetic development of bioresources (to be presented at a later date);
④To be able to give two specific examples and explain the differences in the use of bioresources due to differences in the natural and social conditions of countries and regions;
⑤To be able to evaluate the Green Revolution from multiple perspectives as an example of technological innovation of bioresources in the past;
⑥To be able to apply and explain dissemination theory to innovations related to bioresources;
⑦To be able to constructively criticize and ask questions about other students' understanding of bioresources.
MIMA Search
Bioresource Sciences for Asia
鴨下 顕彦
S1 S2
Schedule 授業計画 1. Syllabus explanation, introduction to living organisms/bioresources, student knowledge/interest/experience questionnaire シラバス説明、生物・生物資源の序論、学生の知識・関心・体験のアンケート 2. Learn about the development of bioresource sciences and technology ➀~⑤ 生物資源学に関する現代科学技術の発展 ➀ "Genes and genetics"「遺伝子と遺伝学」 ② "Genetic recombination and genome editing" 「遺伝子組み換えとゲノム編集」  ③ "Use of next-generation sequencers" 「次世代シーケンサ―」 ④ "Use of wild plants in northeastern China" 「中国東北部の野生植物利用」 ⑤ "Gene isolation of edible asparagus and Tartary buckwheat" 「食用アスパラガスとダッタンソバの遺伝子単離」 3. Assess technology derived from bioresource sciences 生物資源学の技術を評価する ➀ "Multi-dimensional evaluation of green revolution technology"  「緑の革命の技術の多元的な評価」 ② "Environmental and ecosystem management"  「環境・生態系の管理」 ③ "Smart Agriculture and International Research Project" 「スマート農業と国際研究プロジェクト」 ④ "Multiple functions - ecosystem" 「多面的機能―生態系」 ⑤ "Multiple functions - beneficiaries/stakeholders" 「多面的機能―裨益者・ステークホルダー」 ⑥ "Diffusion theory of technological innovation" 「技術革新の普及理論」 ⑦ Ethics and assignment presentation  倫理と課題発表 
Teaching method 授業の方法 In this course, students learn about new concepts of bioresources, their new systems of knowledge, and their development. Through working on the series of assignments, students secure the new knowledge, and deepen the thoughts through presentations and interactive learning. 生物資源学に関する新しい概念、知識の体系、その発展について学び、課題のレポート作成、発表と相互的学習を通して、知識の定着をはかり、自分の考えを深めてゆく。 講義資料の配布は、UTOL を通して行います。 Lecture materials will be distributed through UTOL.
Grade Evaluation 成績評価方法 (1) In genetics (Prof. Tsugama), focus on explanations in assignment reports (5/13)  遺伝学 (2) In ecology and regional assessment (Prof. Kamoshita), assignments will be evaluated (8/13) 生態学、地域資源評価. (3) The total score is the sum of one set of reports in genetics (1) and evaluation of assignments in ecology and regional assessments (2). Objectives ➀ to ⑦ are evaluated (as below) through rubrics (details will be explained at a later date) Achievement goals ④, ⑥ are 10 points, ①, ②, ⑤, ⑦ are 20 points, ③ is 30 points (total 130 points). ➀To be able to give three examples of biological resources and explain the reproductive function and hierarchy that are the characteristics of living things (←Assignment) ②To be able to explain about "genome editing" and "smart agriculture" with relation to bioresources as examples of technological innovations resulting from rapid advancement in biological and information sciences (← Assignment) ③To be able to explain issues related to genetic development of bioresources (to be presented at a later date) (← Assignment) ④To be able to give two specific examples and explain the differences in the use of bioresources due to differences in the natural and social conditions of countries and regions ⑤To evaluate the Green Revolution from multiple perspectives as an example of technological innovation related to bioresources in the past (←Assignment) ⑥ To be able to apply and explain dissemination theory to innovations related to bioresources(←Assignment) ⑦ To be able to criticize and ask questions about other students' understanding of bioresources 到達目標④、⑥は10点、①、②、⑤、⑦は20点、③は30点満点 (合計130点満点)。 ➀生物資源を3つ例示し、生物の特徴である再生産機能と階層性について説明できること(←課題) ②生命科学と情報科学の急速な進歩による技術革新の例として、「ゲノム編集」、「スマート農業」を生物資源との関わりで説明できること(←課題) ③生物資源の遺伝的開発に関する課題(後日提示)を説明できること(←課題) ④国や地域の自然的・社会的条件の差異による、生物資源の利用の差異を具体例を2つ挙げて説明できること ⑤過去の生物資源に関わる技術革新の例として、緑の革命について、複眼的な評価をできること(←課題) ⑥普及理論を生物資源に関するイノベーションに適用して説明できること(←課題) ⑦他の受講者の生物資源に対する理解について批評や質問できること
Not determined. Lecture materials will be distributed through UTOL, etc.
(1) CROP PHYSIOLOGY Case Histories for Major Crops, Academic Press, 2021 (2) Crop Ecology 2nd edition, DJ. Connor, RS.Loomis, KG. Cassman, 2011 (3) Diffusion of Innovations 5th edition, E.M. Rogers, 2003 邦訳 イノベーションの普及 (4) Agricultural Ethics - An Invitation (Robert L. Zimdahl, 2019) (5) 「アジアの生物資源環境学」(アジア生物資源環境研究センター編、2013年、東京大学出版会)、序文、第1章、第9章 農業生産システムを選択する――地域農学の視点.Bio-Resource and Environmental Science in Asia. 2013, UP, Preface, Chapters 1, 9. (in Japanese)
Submission of several assignments are required based on the contents of the lectures. 課題あり On-line and/or at Tanashi campus (Room 206) Office hour オフィッスアワー Monday/Wednesday 13:00-14:00, Tuesday 14:45-15:45, Thursday/Friday 11:00-12:00 Please make an appointment in advance. We welcome questions and consultations.
説明(medium of instruction):E、資料(course materials):E * Japanese can be mixed The first lecture date and time; 13:00-14:45, 9 April 2024 (on-line & room 206, Tanashi campus) 第1回講義:2024年4月9日13:00-14:45 ・授業のZoom URLを公開することは厳禁です。Do not announce the Zoom URL of the course. ・講義の内容や資料は、講師や第三者の著作物です。必ず以下のルールを遵守してください。The contents and the materials of the course belong to the lecturer or the third party. Please observe the following rule.    本講義では、自身の学習目的でのスクリーンショット撮影、録画や録音等は認めますが、それらを許可なくSNSで共有したり、別のウェブサイト等にアップロードすることは禁止します。In this course, screenshot and/or recording of the sound and video can be approved only for self-study purpose. It is forbidden to share through SNS neither to upload to other websites.   ・オンライン授業URLは2回目以降変更になる可能性があるので、「お気に入り」登録やITC-LMSの仮登録などにより、ITC-LMSを参照できる状態にしておいてください。The URL of the course may be changed from the second class. Please register to “favorite page” or ITC-LMS, so that students can smoothly refer to ITC-LMS .