Project Based Learning(PBL)としてチーム(学生5〜6名)を編成して産業界から与えられた教育用テーマの解決を図る演習.産業界が提供するテーマを中心に数テーマを設定し,修士,博士学生がPjリーダー,Pjメンバーとなり,課題解決する.教メンバーがPjマネージャ,若手教員がファシリテータとなりチームをサポートする.PBLの事例講義,中間発表,最終発表を行う.
This is an exercise to solve the educational theme given by industry by forming a team (5-6 students) as Project Based Learning (PBL). Several themes are set around the themes provided by industry, and master's and doctoral students become Pj leaders and Pj members to solve problems. Faculty members serve as Pj managers and young faculty members as facilitators to support the team. It will be held PBL case studies, interim presentations and final presentations.
詳細はGMSI HP***** を参照のこと.
For the detail information, please refer to GMSI Homepage*****