Introduction to PHM basics (Samir)
The role of data in PHM (Samir)
PHM standards and architectures/frameworks: (Samir)
Machine learning methods - basics, supervised/unsupervised, Bayesian inference (Yairi)
Deep learning methods - NN, CNN, RNN (Samir)
Model based methods 1 - Inference for dynamical systems : Kalman filtering, Sequential Monte Carlo (Yairi)
Anomaly detection - Mahalanobis, SVM, GMM, isolation forest (Samir)
Model based methods 2 - Learning dynamical systems: EM algorithm, subspace method, Deep neural networks (Yairi)
Fault diagnostics - data-driven vs model based (Samir)
Fault prognostics - data drive vs model based (Samir)
Cost analysis of PHM (Samir)
RUL Regression (Yairi)
The ‘No fault found’ problem (Samir)
Future of PHM technology (Samir)