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Wind Engineering and Structures
Start date: April 5(Tue) Exam:May 31(Tue)
Wind loads have to be taken into account when designing civil engineering structures. This lecture derives the theoretical background of wind loaded structures and gives practical applications for a large variety for structures, such as low rise static structures, buildings, chimneys and cable-supported bridges.
MIMA Search
Wind Engineering and Structures
Takeshi Ishihara
Tue 4th, Fri 4th
Lecturers with practical experience
Other Faculty
Course Offered by
1 Introduction 序論
a Wind Engineering 風工学
b Damages of Structures Caused by Wind 構造物の風災害
2 Similarity Law 相似則
a Fundamental Equations 基礎方程式
b Dimensional Analysis 次元解析
3 Natural Wind 自然風
a Cause of Wind 風の発生要因
b Modeling of Natural Wind 自然風のモデル化
c Estimation of Extreme Wind 極値風の推定
4 Response of Structures to Wind 構造物の風応答
a Aerodynamic Forces 空気力
b Static Response of Structures 構造物の静的応答
c Dynamic Responses of Structures 構造物の動的応答
5 Aerodynamic Instability 空力不安定
a Galloping ギャロッピング
b Vortex Induced Vibration 渦励振
6 Wind Tunnel Test and Numerical Simulation 風洞実験と数値予測
a Wind Tunnel Test 風洞実験
b Computational Wind Engineering 数値風工学
Zoom URL*****
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Assignment:30 points 課題:30点
Final Test:70points 最終試験:70点
Wind Loads On Structures, C. Dyrbye S. O. Hansen, WILEY, NSBN0-471-95651-1