茅根 創Hajime Kayane理・地球惑星科学Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Scienceがインダス+人新世における海洋Guidance(Introduction) + Ocean in the Anthropocene
朴 進午Jin-Oh Park大気海洋研Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute巨大津波を引き起こす海底下震源断層の実態Characteristics of tsunamigenic active faults below seafloor
篠原雅尚Masanao Shinohara地震研Earthquake Research Institute海底地震地殻変動観測から解明する海溝型地震Seafloor seismic and geodetic observations reveal earthquakes in subduction zone
伊地知敬Takashi Ijichi理・地球惑星科学Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science海洋大循環をコントロールする深海のミクロな現象Small-scale abyssal phenomena controlling the global ocean circulation
小川浩史Hiroshi Ogawa大気海洋研Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute炭素循環から解く海洋における物質の動態Material dynamics in the ocean focusing on the carbon cycle
鈴木庸平Yohei Suzuki理・地球惑星科学Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science海底に眠る資源とそこに群がる生き物Deep-sea energy and mineral resources and light-independent ecosystems
砂村倫成Michinari Sunamura理・地球惑星科学Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science深海海底熱水活動がもたらす海底下 - 深海の物質の移動と生命活動Microbial ecology in deep sea: hydrothermal plume, hadal biosphere, and biogeography
遠藤一佳Kazuyoshi Endoh理・地球惑星科学Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science海洋環境の変遷と生物の進化史Evolutionary history in relation to the secular changes in marine environments
升本順夫Yukio Masumoto理・地球惑星科学Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science気候変動における海洋の役割Roles of the ocean in climate variations
永田 俊Toshi Nagata大気海洋研Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute海洋の生物炭素ポンプとその制御機構Biological carbon pump and its regulation mechanisms
宮島利宏Toshihiro Miyajima大気海洋研Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute大型植物を有する浅海域生態系とその機能Coastal vegetated ecosystems and their ecosystem functions
吉田学Manabu Yoshida臨海実験所Misaki Marine Biological Station実験モデル生物としての海産動物の可能性Potentialities of marine organisms for model animals
黒川大輔Daisuke Kurokawa臨海実験所Misaki Marine Biological Station海洋生物と発生進化研究Research on development and evolution using marine life
鈴木英之Hideyuki Suzuki 工・システム創成Department of Systems Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering海洋再生可能エネルギーの開発Development of ocean renewable energy