Sセメスターは「場の利用」、「資源の利用」、「安全な利用」という3 つの観点から学内外から第一人者を招聘して講義形式で進める。今年度の課題は、「海洋ゴミ・プラスチック問題」、「海洋再生可能エネルギー」、「マリンバイオセキュリティ」、「地域創成と海」、「世界にコミットする問題発掘とその具体的対応行動」の5課題である。
「海洋プラごみ削減に向けた各アクターの役割と社会システム」、「合意形成における障害と対応策」、「マリンバイオセキュリティに関する意識の醸成のためのクロストーク」、「海洋に関わる3 次産業、新しい物流、ワーケーション等の活用による地域創成戦略の考案」、「気候変動の緩和・適応へ海洋が果たす役割と若者の役割」
The class will be held every Monday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. in a lecture room at Hongo Campus. Details will be given at the guidance. Students who cannot attend the guidance should contact the Interdisciplinary Education Program on Ocean Science and Policy (*****).
In the S-semester, leading experts from inside and outside of the university will be invited to give lectures from the three perspectives of "use of place", "use of resources", and "safe use". The five topics for this year are "Marine Litter and Plastic Problems", "Marine Renewable Energy", "Marine Biosecurity", "Regional Development and the Ocean", and "Identifying Problems Committed to the World and Specific Actions to Address Them".
The following sub-themes will be key words for each topic:.
"Roles of actors and social systems to reduce marine plastic waste", "Obstacles in consensus building and measures to deal with them", "Cross-talk to raise awareness of marine biosecurity", "Devising strategies for regional development through the use of marine-related tertiary industries, new logistics, and work locations", and "The role of the ocean and the role of young people in mitigating and adapting to climate change".
In the A-Semester, groups of graduate students belonging to various graduate schools will be formed to conduct joint research on policy topics related to the ocean, transcending differences in their fields of expertise, and work on planning policy proposals by synthesizing the knowledge necessary to solve problems. Exercises will include face-to-face group discussions, fieldwork, team presentations, and plenary presentations.