12th October 2023
10:00-11:30: Fundamentals of electronic structure
•hydrogenic and multi-electron atoms
•molecular orbitals
•bra-ket notation
•solving the Schrödinger equation
Lunch break
13:00-14:30: Molecular magnetism, part 1
•spin Hamiltonians
•origins and basics of magnetism
•quantum mechanics of magnetism
15:00-16:30: Molecular magnetism, part 2
•magnetic susceptibility
•spin coupling
•magnetic anisotropy
•lanthanide electronic structure
13th October 2023
10:00-11:30: Molecular magnetism, part 3
•single-molecule magnets
•molecular qubits
Lunch break
13:00-14:30: Spin-phonon coupling
•lattice dynamics of molecular solids
•spin-phonon coupling
•spin dynamics
•vibronic spectroscopy
15:00-16:30: Zasshikai seminar
Spin dynamics and coupling in the f-block