HOME 大学院 Special Lecture on Global Society III


Special Lecture on Global Society III

Environmental Law and Governance in the Anthropocene
This course explores the role of law and governance in mediating the human-environment interface. It focuses on the legal and consequent governance challenges presented by the emergence of the Anthropocene as a possible new geological epoch. While the epoch has yet to be formally confirmed, the trope and discourse of the Anthropocene already confront law and governance scholars with a unique challenge concerning the need to question, and ultimately re-imagine, international environmental law and governance interventions in the light of a new socio-ecological situation.
Through interactive lectures, classroom discussions based upon pre-assigned readings, and the elaboration of a joint mini-project, students not only assess the (mostly unsuccessful and ineffective) regulatory interventions used thus far to mediate the human-environment interface; they also examine the possibility to develop counter-narratives and alternative institutional practices, by drawing on most recent critical legal approaches as well as sociocultural traditions that have been marginalised within international environmental law.
MIMA Search
Special Lecture on Global Society III
ジロドウ イザベル
S1 S2
WEEK 1: Introductory lecture and guidance (Basic notions, terminology, course plan, learning methods, readings and other sources’ overview) WEEKS 2/3: Back to the basics: The limits of law and governance in the Anthropocene (Interactive lectures + Group and classroom discussions based upon pre-assigned readings) * W2: The concept of territory in International Law * W3: The temporalities of Environmental Law WEEKS 4 to 6: Radical ontologies and epistemologies for the Anthropocene * W4: Critical Environmental Law in the Anthropocene * W5/6: Re-encountering Environmental Law and its ‘subject’ with Haraway and New Materialism WEEKS 7 to 11: Reimagining International Environmental Law in the Anthropocene * W7: Global Environmental Constitutionalism in the Anthropocene * W8: The corporation and the Anthropocene * W9: Transformative adjudication * W10: Global Justice in the Anthropocene * W11: The emergence of Transnational Environmental Law in the Anthropocene WEEKS 12/13: Team-based mini-project * W12: Preparation of a mini-project by teams of 5 students max. focusing on how to unmake and remake International Environmental Law in specific contexts (complementary short interactive lecture + exploratory group discussions + peer assessment of preparatory team-based presentations). * W13: Final joint oral presentations and wrap-up discussion
1. This course is conducted in the active learning style. Classes consist of interactive lectures, followed by both small group and classroom discussions addressing broad concepts and/or focusing on case studies. These discussions are usually based upon pre-assigned readings and build on a list of questions proposed in advance. The preparation of a final mini-project allows students to further engage in critical and reflective thinking. 2. The first class will be given online (Zoom: access information will be notified on ITC-LMS before the first class day). 3. From the second session onwards, classes will be held in person, with the option of online attendance for the students who are unable to come to campus for legitimate reasons approved by the university policy. 4. Students can individually ask questions to the instructor during the time window of 15 minutes before the core lecture period starts. The students who wish to use that time are advised to notify the instructor beforehand by email.
o Active participation in group and classroom discussions: 30%. o Four 600-word write-ups: 30%. o Final mini-project (joint oral presentation + individual 1200-word essay): 40%.
No textbook required.
Information on reference materials will be provided in class.
1. No prior study of law and science-policy interfaces is required, but a strong interest and a serious commitment to learning about contemporary challenges and issues from an interdisciplinary perspective is crucial. 2. Although this course is mainly targeting PEAK students, participation of all categories of students (ippansei) will be welcomed.