Migrant women are positioned at the intersection of nationality law, immigration law, and gender norms, while at the same time acting as transnational entities and facilitating social change. The goal of this class is to consider the background of migrant women in terms of migration and gender in the reproductive sphere, based on international trends and specific examples in Japan.
According to the International Organization for Migration, there would be 281 million international migrants in 2020, and about half of them would be women. The number of foreign residents in Japan at the end of 2023 will be 3,410,992, of which 1,697,001 (49.8%) are women, accounting for about half, similar to the international trend. Their status of residence shows a bias toward international marriages with Japanese, family relationships with immigrants, and care/domestic work, which is also a result of the projected gender perspective in Japanese society. On the other hand, Japan has been sending out immigrants since the Meiji era (1868-1912), and not a few Japanese women have gone abroad to work.
Based on the historical migration of Japanese women, we will examine and understand the background of current migrant women in Japan and their trends by focusing on social actors at the meso- and micro-levels, and specifically examining the policy-making process, migration process, and working and living conditions of these women.
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