Foundations of Environmental Sciences II
Managing Sustainability in Global Industrial Companies
This course is a collaboration between Uppsala University, SINReM and the University of Tokyo. It will focus on how global industrial companies manage issues related to economic, environmental and social sustainability. Based on a flipped classroom philosophy with Problem-Based Learning (PBL) elements, it includes case assignments, individual assignments and active participation in the seminars. The involved teachers and students have different backgrounds and competences. The Uppsala based teachers are mainly interested in issues related to sustainability, technology and ethics, while the Tokyo based teachers have unique competences in chemistry, law, and pedagogy. The UU students are from the Master Programme in Industrial Management and Innovation with a special interest in issues related to business and technology. The UTokyo students are latter year undergraduate students in Environmental Sciences. The SINReM students are from the Master Program in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management. We hope that these diverse backgrounds and competences can enhance students' experience of and learning from the cases which forms the basis for this course.
Upon completing the course, students are expected to be able to
* describe how sustainability (economic, social, environmental) is manifested and portrayed in global industrial companies,
* describe how sustainability work is managed in global industrial companies,
* describe in detail the management of sustainability work in companies in one particular technology-intensive industry over the past ten years,
* discuss and reflect upon sustainability issues, and how they are managed, in a range of technology-intensive industries,
* plan and execute a project aimed at collecting, systematizing and analyzing information about how sustainability work is managed in global industrial companies, by means of annual reports, sustainability reports, and other sources, and
apply relevant theories from industrial engineering and management, as well as sustainability and environmental sciences to analyze the companies as above.
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