HOME 学部前期課程 全学自由研究ゼミナール (East-West Interactions and the Formation of Modern Societies)


全学自由研究ゼミナール (East-West Interactions and the Formation of Modern Societies)

East-West Interactions and the Formation of Modern Societies
In the first instance, this seminar discusses how East-West interactions took place in the course of modern history, and how specific processes of interaction shaped modern societies. While starting with some of the epistemological problems of how to conceptualise East and West in the first place, and the implications of such concepts, our main focus will be on the formation of East Asian societies and the problems surrounding the integration of these "modernised" societies into the international order, the latter also undergoing significant change in this process. Topics will include: the dichotomies between (what are deemed) universal values on one hand and traditional social institutions on the other; the uneasy relationships between "modernisation" "westernisation" and "colonisation" in these societies; intellectual attempts to categorise and compare different civilisations; and how Myth, Memory and History are manipulated and recycled in such attempts. At a slightly deeper level, we aim to delve into some of the central issues related to how a student (or future graduate of this university) might form her/his intellectual identity as an individual who: a) was educated in a Japanese university, becoming part of Japanese society in the process; but b) wishes to operate in a global context, primarily (for better or for worse) in the English language. In this latter context, it will often fall on that future graduate to explain aspects of Japanese (or perhaps more widely East Asian) cultures and societies, and this will have to be done using a relatively universal language of concepts and categories, originating in European thought. In this seminar we will attempt to understand both the historical experiences of East Asian societies and the implications of the formation and existence of such a language.
MIMA Search
全学自由研究ゼミナール (East-West Interactions and the Formation of Modern Societies)
松原 健太郎
S1 S2
We will decide on a schedule in the first session, alongside with specific topics and texts, taking into account the interests and linguistic abilities of the participants. As mentioned above, possible topics will include: the dichotomies between (what are deemed) universal values on one hand and traditional social institutions on the other; the uneasy relationships between "modernisation" "westernisation" and "colonisation" in these societies; intellectual attempts to categorise and compare different civilisations; and how Myth, Memory and History are manipulated and recycled in such attempts.
Once we have settled on particular texts, the discussions will be in two parts. On one hand, we will identify the particular abstract problems that are addressed by the texts, and discuss how these problems might be relevant to ourselves in the contemporary world. On the other hand, we will return to the texts and define exactly what it is that these texts suggest regarding these problems. This will be an attempt to develop the student's ability to explain the layers of meaning, refer to the social/historical background of certain passages and relate them to contemporary issues.
Students will be evaluated on the basis of participation in class and a final report, to be written on a topic agreed upon by the student and instructor.
Participants will be required to be able to read complex texts and take part in the discussions (conducted entirely in English) of these texts. Ideally we will have a group of students with different linguistic backgrounds making different contributions from their respective strengths. What will be more important than any kind of linguistic ability, however, is an inquisitive mind and willingness to engage in detailed argumentation