HOME 学部前期課程 全学自由研究ゼミナール(PEAK)(Introductory Chemistry) (An introduction to the key physical principles underpinning the whole of modern chemistry, focusing on key


全学自由研究ゼミナール(PEAK)(Introductory Chemistry) (An introduction to the key physical principles underpinning the whole of modern chemistry, focusing on key

An introduction to the key physical principles underpinning the whole of modern chemistry, focusing on key ideas from quantum mechanics, molecular statistics and thermodynamics.
This course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the key ideas in Physical Chemistry with a focus on Quantum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.

By the end of the course, students should be able to

1) Understand the failure of classical mechanics.
2) Explain the key principles of quantum mechanics.
3) Rationalize the structure of atoms based on quantum mechanics.
4) Explain why the periodic table has the form that it has.
5) Describe the models of chemical bonding and use these models to predict the shapes and stabilities of molecules.
6) Understand the structure of gases including the effects of intermolecular forces.
7) Make calculations based on the kinetic theory of gases
8) Understand the relationship between the properties of individual molecules and of bulk samples.
9) Appreciate the significance of the Boltzmann distribution
10) Understanding key ideas in thermodynamic including work, heat, enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy.
11) Applying the basic concepts of thermodynamics to chemical equilibria
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全学自由研究ゼミナール(PEAK)(Introductory Chemistry) (An introduction to the key physical principles underpinning the whole of modern chemistry, focusing on key
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Lecture 1. Course introduction, Size and Scale, classical mechanics (Newton’s laws of motion, trajectories, waves, electromagnetism, kinetic and potential energy) Lecture 2. Failures of classical physics, spectra, quantization, photelectric effect, electron diffraction, deBroglie. Lecture 3. Quantum mechanics - wavefunctions, Born interpretation, normalization, 3 dimensions. Restrictions on the wavefunction, operators, Schrodinger, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Lecture 4. Particle in a box. Lecture 5. Hydrogen atom spectra, angular momentum. H atom - Solution to the Schrodinger equation, spin. Lecture 6. s, p and d orbitals, radial distribution functions. Many electron atoms. Pauli exclusion principle. Lecture 7. Penetration and shielding, Aufbau, Hund, periodic table, ionization energies. Chemical bonding, Valence bond model, hybridization. Lecture 8. MO Theory, bonding and antibonding orbitals, homonuclear diatomics, bond order and magnetism, heteronuclear diatomics, electronegativity, frontier orbitals. Lecture 9. Ideal Gas Law, Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell Boltzmann distribution, intermolecular forces. Lecture 10. Polarizability, induced dipoles and dispersion interactions, hydrogen bonding. Modes of energy storage - translation, rotation, vibration, electronic energy, heat capacity, equipartition, the Boltzmann distribution, introduction to chemical thermodynamics. Lecture 11. Heat and work, First Law of Thermodynamics, state functions, enthalpy, standard enthalpies, Hess’s law Lecture 12. Defining equilibrium, entropy, second law, molecular basis of entropy, Lecture 13. Helmholtz energy, Gibbs energy, chemical potential, chemical equilibria, equilibrium constants 15 minutes after class will be set aside for questions.
This course is delivered as a 'flipped classroom' where students watch the lectures before class and work together in teams during the class periods to solve guided problems in class, receiving support and feeback from the course instructor and their peers.
The course is evaluated based on in class participation and a final examination. The class participation is assessed in terms of the work done on the classrooms problems as a team as well as the performance in live quizzes. Timely completion and submission of the weekly worksheets is an important part of the assessment, so be advised to focus your attention on these from the outset.
This course is a foundation course for PEAK Environmental Science students and will be conducted entirely in English. All materials including video lectures, interactive quizzes and tutorials will be provided on ITC-LMS. Students taking the course will do so with different backgrounds in chemistry, so resources are provided for self-study for students with limited experience in studying chemistry and / or physics at high school.