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Politics and Public Policy

Politics and Public Policy
This course is a graduate-level introduction to political science. Students will become familiarized with the major concepts and theories in the discipline through topics such as the state, democracy, political parties, and elections. In addition, the course will cover public policy issues such as economic policy and foreign policy.

However, this course is more than just an introduction. For the academic discipline known today as "political science" in the English-speaking world is a body of knowledge that originated in ancient Greece, passed through modern Europe, and developed in the United States in the 20th century. Theories that claim to be universally applicable are in fact deeply rooted in the Western societies.

Therefore, this course aims to rethink political science in a non-Western context. What does the history of Japan tell us about theories that are based on the historical experiences of Britain or Germany? Is there a distinctively East Asian perspective on politics? What are the problems of applying theories to countries that lack the economic or cultural conditions that originated them? By addressing these questions through a close reading of the major texts, this course explores a more inclusive way of thinking about politics.
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Politics and Public Policy
前田 健太郎
A1 A2
1. Introduction 2. Normative Foundations of Politics 3. The State 4. Nationalism and Ethnicity 5. Democracy 6. Political Transitions 7. Political Institutions 8. Elections and Voting Behavior 9. Political Parties 10. The Politics of Economic Development 11. Inequality and Redistribution 12. International Security 13. Globalization
The course combines lectures with discussions of the reading materials. The lectures are designed on the assumption that students have completed all the readings before coming to class. Students will occasionally be asked to summarize certain sections of the readings and to present a review of the argument and evidence.
Class attendance is mandatory. The final grade will be based on class participation (20%) and the final paper (80%).
This course is not based on a single textbook. The readings are selected from various books and journal articles that have had a major impact on the discipline. The instructor will distribute materials that are not available online. Here are some of the books that we will cover: Aristotle, The Politics, Penguin. John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, Cambridge. Gerth and Mills, From Max Weber, Oxford. Joseph Schumpeter, 1942, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, Harper Perrenial. Mancur Olson, 1965, The Logic of Collective Action, Harvard. Robert A. Dahl, 1971, Polyarchy, Yale. John Rawls, 1971, A Theory of Justice, Cambridge. Kenneth N. Waltz, 1979, Theory of International Politics, Addison-Wesley. Benedict Anderson, 1983, Imagined Communities, Verso. Enloe, Cynthia. 1990. Bananas, Beaches and Bases, California. Gosta Esping-Andersen, 1990, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Princeton. Phillips, Anne. 1995. The Politics of Presence. Clarendon Press. Yuval-Davis, Nira. 1997. Gender and Nation. Sage. James C. Scott, 1998, Seeing Like a State, Yale. Arend Lijphart, 1999, Patterns of Democracy, Yale. Inglehart, Ronald, and Pippa Norris. 2003. Rising Tide. Cambridge University Press. Larry Bartels, 2008, Unequal Democracy, Princeton. Dani Rodrik, 2011, Globalization Paradox, Cambridge.
The following books may be useful for a better understanding of the course content. Watanabe, Hiroshi. 2012. A History of Japanese Political Thought, 1600-1901, International House of Japan. Kim, Youngmin. 2018. A History of Chinese Political Thought. John Wiley & Sons. 前田健太郎 2019『女性のいない民主主義』岩波書店. 羅芝賢・前田健太郎 2023 『権力を読み解く政治学』有斐閣.
There are no formal requirements for taking this course, but fluency in both written and spoken English is preferred.