第1回「イントロダクション, SDGsと企業の役割」(増見淳子)
"Introduction, How SDGs Affects Corporations" (Professor Junko Masumi)
"Laws and Practice of Global Business1&2" (Professor Junko Masumi)
"Law and Practice of Commercial Transaction and Contracts 1&2" (Professor Junko Masumi)
第6・7回「国際ビジネスと競争法①②」(アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所 原悦子弁護士)
"International Competition Law 1&2" (Partner of Anderson, Mori & Tomotsune Etsuko Hara)
第8・9回「国際的なM&A①②」(米コロンビアロースクール・Nobuhisa Ishizuka教授)
"International M&A 1&2" (Nobuhisa Ishizuka, Esq., Lecturer in Law, Executive Director of the Center for Japanese Legal Studies at Columbia Law School)
第10・11回「国際ビジネス紛争解決①②」(のぞみ総合法律事務所 Michael Mroczek弁護士)
"International Business Dispute Resolution 1&2" (Michael Mroczek, Esq., the Foreign Law Partner of Nozomi Sogo Attorneys at Law)
"Law on Foreign Investment1&2" (Professor Tomoko Ishikawa of Nagoya University)