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Teaching Development in Higher Education in English

Teach. Develop. High. Educ. Eng.
This course (also called "The University of Tokyo Global Future Faculty Development Program" and represented with the acronym "UTokyo Global FFDP") aims to contribute to the educational development of future university teachers. Participants learn about teaching & learning methods and assessment strategies, how to enhance students’ active learning, how to design a syllabus and lessons with a learner-directed approach, and how to engage into the teaching profession maintaining an inclusive stance.
The course emphasizes the development of a critical and scholarly approach to the teaching profession, inviting the participants to learn through reflection, discussion, and learning by doing. The course is based on flipped classroom; participants watch short videos before the class and in class discuss, reflect, and practice with their peers.
UTokyo Global FFDP seeks to contribute to the training of future faculty members. To do so, it aims to:
Promote professional & educational reflection, discussion, and critical pedagogical thinking.
Contribute to the development of key educational & transversal competences to support learner-directed teaching-learning processes.
Nurture a scholarly, evidence-based, inclusive & ethical approach to teaching to educational research.
Provide learning by doing opportunities for a congruent educational development.
Support a cross-cultural & global approach to the academic profession and to teaching and learning.
Cultivate continuous development, lifelong learning, and community-building attitudes and opportunities.
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Teaching Development in Higher Education in English
栗田 佳代子
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0. Briefing We introduce ourselves, present the course, explore the learning environment, and solve doubts before beginning. 1. The science of learning. How do students learn? We explore and discuss what the science of learning tells us about how people learn and its practical implications over the design of our courses and lessons. Many of these ideas involve an inclusive approach to education. 2. Teaching-learning methods, strategies, & techniques. How can we contribute to the students’ learning? We build on Day 1 to discuss active learning and learn and practice in relation with different methods, strategies and techniques that promote it. Among others, we address flipped classroom, peer-instruction, TBL, jigsaw, fishbowl, etc. 3. Assessment, feedback, and rubrics. How can we obtain information on how/what students learn? We learn and practice in relation with the different purposes of assessment, when/how/who can be involved, and its connections with formative feedback. Also, we practice the creation of questions for multiple-choice tests and rubrics. 4. Course and syllabus design. How can we design and improve our courses and syllabi? We learn and practice in relation with course and syllabus design, exploring their different components (with special emphasis on learning outcomes), and the integration of what we learnt on Day 2 and Day 3. 5. Class design. How can we design, deliver, and improve our classes? Building on the previous sessions, we learn and practice in relation with how to structure a class and its components/sequence. Participants design a brief class that they will teach in the following days. 6. Class design & instruction I. How can we design, deliver, and improve our classes? We teach the brief class designed during Day 5 and receive constructive feedback from our peers to improve it. 7. Class design & instruction II. How can we design, deliver, and improve our classes? We teach the same class (modified after receiving feedback) and we receive feedback to continue improving it. 8. Deconstructing knowledge and career paths. Is what we learnt unquestionable? And, from now on, which is my path as a university teacher? We problematize some contents addressed during the course, generating reflection and critical thinking. Also, we address our career paths as academics in higher education and reflect about our future career paths.
The following are the key features of this course in terms of its methods and format: Flipped classroom. Different sessions require to, beforehand, watch a video to make class participation fruitful. Hybrid. Days 0 and day 5 to 8 are in person. Days 1 to 4 are online (Zoom platform). Google Classroom as a learning management system (materials, communications, assignments, etc.). Learning by doing & experiential learning. Participants learn by creating teaching materials (rubrics, syllabi, classes, etc.) and by going through learner-directed and active learning strategies that emphasize self-/peer-reflection, discussion, and collaboration (jigsaw, poster tour, fishbowl, etc.). Active engagement. (Meaningful) active engagement and contributions of the participants are encouraged. These are relevant for learning and permit to assess the fulfillment of diverse learning outcomes (note that this does not mean that the participants are forced to talk even when they do not have anything meaningful to say).
Assessment in this course is a continuous process with two goals: (1) offering qualitative feedback to guide learning, and (2) gathering information to adjust the course to the participants’ learning moment. Grading involves a 100-point allotment system and includes two segments. These two segments incorporate activities that make possible to demonstrate the achievement of the learning outcomes. To complete the course, participants need to get a pass in both segments (assessment criteria are shared at the beginning of the course): a)Engagement and contribution during the classes: 25 points. Quality and quantity of the participants’ contributions during the classes/grou***** by the participants through peer-/self-assessment and by the lecturer). b)Assignments: 75 points. Mainly assessed by the lecturer with sporadic peer-assessment. Syllabus design: 25 points. Class design & instruction: 25 points. Other class assignments: 25 points.
None. Video materials, handouts and references for the different topics will be provided.
This a list of relevant (non-compulsory) references. If you do not have access to them or need support to read them, please reach the lecturer. A more comprehensive and diverse list will be shared each session. Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M. C., & Norman, M. K. (2010). How learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching. John Wiley & Sons. Bain, K. (2004). What the best college teachers do. Harvard University Press. Barkley, E. F., & Major, C. H. (2015). Learning assessment techniques: A handbook for college faculty. Jossey-Bass. Biggs, J. & Tang, C. (2011). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham: Open University Press/McGraw Hill. Carless, D., Bridges, S. M., Chan, C. K. Y., & Glofcheski, R. (Eds.). (2017). Scaling up assessment for learning in higher education. Springer. Gagné, R. M., Briggs, L. J., & Wager, W. W. (1992). Principles of instructional design (4th Ed.). H.B. Jovanovich College. Griffin, P., & Care, E. (Eds.). (2014). Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills: Methods and approach. Springer. Irons, A., & Elkington, S. (2021). Enhancing learning through formative assessment and feedback. Routledge. Langley, G. J., et al. (2009). The improvement guide (2nd Ed.). Jossey-Bass. Nilson, L. B. (2016). Teaching at its best: A research-based resource for college instructors. John Wiley & Sons. Nilson, L. B., & Goodson, L. A. (2021). Online teaching at its best (2nd Ed.). Jossey-Bass. Nisbet, J., & Shucksmith, J. (2017). Learning strategies. Routledge. Orlich, D. C., Harder, R. J., Callahan, R. C., Trevisan, M. S., & Brown, A. H. (2012). Teaching strategies: A guide to effective instruction. Cengage Learning. Villa, R., & Thousand, J. (2016). The Inclusive Education Checklist: A Self-Assessment of Best Practices. Dude Publishing. Oakley, B., Rogowsky, B., & Sejnowski, T. J. (2021). Uncommon sense teaching. TarcherPerigee. Winstone, N., & Carless, D. (2020). Designing effective feedback processes in higher education: A learning-focused approach. Routledge.
These are basic policies to follow the course satisfactorily. They are open to the participants’ insights, and we will make our best to accommodate personal circumstances, so please let us know when these emerge. Attendance. The course relies on cooperation and each day builds on the prior. To complete the course, you should not be absent for four or more periods (each day is two periods). In case of absence, please inform the lecturer on the day before the class (points might be deducted for unjustified absence). Exception. Days 5, 6, and 7 are essential for several intended learning outcomes and involve the participants in peer-feedback. For this reason, participants can miss only out of these three days. Cameras. In principle we request the use of the course cameras during the online sessions (to be discussed). Plagiarism. When using information/excerpts/images from other sources, we expect the participants to cite them adequately. This is a key ethical policy in the academia and points will be deducted if it is not respected. Inclusion and accessibility statement It is our goal to create a learning experience that is as safe, inclusive, equitable, accessible, and welcoming. If you anticipate (or through the course experience) any issues related to the design or instruction of the course, please do not hesitate to write us as soon as possible so we can work together in exploring any alternatives. This includes methods and assignments, but also participation, access to resources/materials, etc. We are committed to this, and we are happy to consider any adjustments if they do not alter the purpose of the course; let us know your ideas and feedback at any moment so we can make the course more accessible and inclusive, they are more than welcome.
Personal message to the participants This is Gabriel, lecturer of the course! If you read the whole syllabus to this point, congratulations and thank you! If not (…), try to do it; I know you have little time, but it can solve some doubts that might emerge later. UTokyo Global FFDP has been created with a lot of dedication and passion (trust me) by people who firmly believe that education and teachers are key societal pillars and that university students also should learn with teachers who know about the discipline and about “teaching the discipline”. If you are here, you probably share this idea. UTokyo Global FFDP is meant for you. Here you will with others with similar interests, but diverse backgrounds. You might be interested in this: the first edition involved participants from 15 countries (four continents) and disciplines. The course aims to offer the opportunity to stop, reflect and discuss about topics that, once we begin to teach, we have less time to address. That is why we emphasize reflection and discussion with your peers, even more if we welcome the possibility of teaching anywhere in the world. But, let me say this: it is not possible to learn all there is to learn and “master” a discipline/profession in eight sessions. This means that, after the course, you will continue feeling the need of knowing more and of developing your competence which, by the way, is not a bad thing. For this reason, within a safe and respectful learning environment, you will be invited to share your ideas, but also to re-explore them. The self-analysis of assumptions turns out to be key in the training of teachers and is a crucial competence to develop to promote continuous learning. With teaching and learning we face an interesting situation. Even if you have never taught, you have spent many years of your life participating in teaching and learning processes. This means that you already have ideas about such processes; this is even truer if you have teaching experience but never received formal educational training. Still, experience, as a student or a teacher, is not enough and anyone with the responsibility (and joy) of teaching needs to be trained for that. This no different to what we expect from other professionals (doctors, accountants, mechanics, architects, lawyers, chemists, etc.). But again, if you are here, you most likely share these ideas. Hence, all there is for me to say is: come in and welcome! We are looking forward to learning with you.