Translation and Adaptation of Japanese Fiction
In the first two meetings of the course I think I would like to look at one or two stories from the Kawakami Hiromi collection 龍宮, which I translated as Dragon Palace (Stone Bridge Press, 2023). Dragon Palace was selected as one of the best 100 books of the year by the New Yorker, which was quite a surprise, since only a handful of translated books made the list, none Japanese. Why that should have been the case is one of the topics the class could consider.
I also translated the two Haruki stories – “Drive My Car” and “Scheherazade” – that formed the basis of the Ryusuke Hamaguchi film “Drive My Car” (2021). My idea is to look at those translations and the originals with the class, watch the film together, and then discuss how the adaptation was carried out, its strengths and weaknesses, etc. That last part could be done in the form of class presentations.
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